Book Review: Is Jesus the Only Savior?, by James Edwards
Review by Will Kynes | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 03.03.2010The kind of person who would perhaps benefit most from this book is the skeptic who is sympathetic to the claims of the Jesus Seminar and other similar scholars.
Book Review: Good Christians, Good Husbands?, by Doreen Moore
Review by Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 03.02.2010Does your home have the aroma of Christ? This book should help provoke that question.
Book Review: Christians at the Cross, by N. T. Wright
Review by Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 03.02.2010We can be grateful for some of the themes sounded in this book. Still, the lack of urgency about our need to repent and believe in the gospel is a blind-spot in Wright.
Book Review: Surprised by Hope, by N. T. Wright
Review by Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 03.02.2010Wright appeals to many because he is brilliant and fascinating, and some of what he says is helpful. But his failure to emphasize the centrality of the gospel is troubling.
9Marks Pastors’ Wives’ Forum
By Forum | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 03.01.2010What have been one or two of the most unexpected blessings of being a pastor’s wife?
9Marks Marriage Book Comparison Chart
By Forum | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.26.2010What are the best Christian books on marriage?
30 Practical Ways For Pastors to Love Their Wives & Families
By Forum | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.26.2010Here are several practical ideas to help motivate you to love and serve your wife and children more effectively
The Gospel & Deliberate Complementarian Pastors
By C. J. Mahaney | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.25.2010I am convinced that the complementarian position will strengthen the church in her God given-role to proclaim and protect the gospel.
Leading a Small Group for Newly Weds
By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.25.2010It’s always better to address potential problems than actual ones, and it’s better to be proactive than reactive.
The Pastor’s Wife: A Position or Juxtaposition?
By Connie Dever | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.25.2010“What will your wife do if you become our pastor?”
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