What are some recommended resources on missions? And not recommended?

Here are three of our favorite introductions to the topic of missions:

  1. Operation World by Patrick Johnstone. This book provides helpful information about the culture, government, and state of Christianity in every country of the world. An excellent guide for deliberate, worldwide prayer. Click here for complete review.
  2. Let the Nations be Glad! by John Piper. The opening sentences of the book say it all: “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missionexists because worship doesn’t.” Click here for complete review.
  3. An Introduction to the Science of Missions by J.H. Bavinck. Bavnick digs deep into Scripture and lays a sound, biblical foundation for missions. Click here for complete review.

Here are a couple resources that are popular, but about which we would urge caution:

  1. Church Planting Movements by David Garrison. While the author displays commendable zeal for evangelism, the book is driven by a numbers-focused pragmatism, and at times it betrays a superficial handling of Scripture. See complete review Click here for complete review.
  2. The CAMEL: How Muslims are Coming to Faith in Christ by Kevin Greeson. While certainly well-intentioned, this book advocates an evangelistic method that effectively (if unconsciously) treats the Qur’an as if it were a reliable source of God’s revelation.
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