What Is Catholicity?
Wanted: Catholic Pastors
By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023Do you actively work to partner with other local churches to fulfill the Great Commission? Or do you act as if your church can take the gospel to the ends of the earth all by yourselves?
What Is Catholicity and What Does It Require?
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.29.2023What do our churches mean by “catholic” when we recite the Nicene creed (381) and declare our belief in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church?
Are Ecclesiological Convictions and Catholic Affirmations Mutually Exclusive?
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.25.2023The charge of anti-catholicity, when used to critique ecclesial convictions, evinces an inadequate understanding of catholicity.
A Catholic Church
By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.05.2023The church’s catholicity is the simple acknowledgement that the church is not confined to any one place or people.
Fundamentalism May Feel Safe, But It’s Shortsighted
By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.11.2023A narrow fundamentalism blinds us to healthy catholicity and theological error due to pride in a sterile, tightly-packaged belief system.
What Catholicity Requires: Tightly Held Beliefs and Big Hearts
By Scott Logsdon | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023How do we partner well with others when our convictions don’t align?
When Catholicity Leads to Compromise
By Jonathan Worsley | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.30.2023For all the good of catholicity, an over-realized catholicity is potentially poisonous.
Catholicity in History
Martin Bucer as a Cooperating Pastor
By Jason Lee | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.26.2023Against the Reformation’s backdrop of such vehemence and occasional violence, there are also sterling examples of Christian partnership and catholicity.
“Very Sweet Honey”: Basil of Caesarea’s Friendship with Syrian Christian Eusebius of Samosata
By Michael A. G. Haykin | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023Eusebius’s friendship with Basil of Caesarea during the doctrinal watershed of the 370s is of vital importance and should be remembered in any account of the Cappadocian theologian’s formulation of the Holy Spirit’s deity.
Catholicity in a Divided Age
Ecclesiological Triage
By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.19.2023How do we decide when and to what extent to cooperate with churches that are more or less like-minded?
The Beauty and Power of Catholicity in Politically Charged Times
By Collin Hansen | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023Jesus commands his followers to love their enemies. In our politically charged times, that’s when the world sees the beauty and power of the gospel.
Same Health, Different Look: Ecclesiology in Historically Black Churches
By Welton Bonner | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023You can build beautiful partnerships with churches that look different than yours if you look beyond the forms to see the elements.
Black and White Church Catholicity
By Bobby Scott | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023How can predominantly white and black churches work together without compromising the convictions of each?
Why Racist Churches Are Anti-Catholic
By M. Y. Emerson, R. Lucas Stamps | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023Racism is a direct affront to Scripture, to the gospel, and to the Nicene Christianity that follows from them.
The Internet and Christian Catholicity
By Samuel D. James | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.14.2023Every Christian, church, and pastor lives in a specific context. It’s increasingly difficult to remember our particularity in the digital age.
Catholicity and the Local Church
Partnering Together: A Practical Guide
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.31.2023Churches ought to relate in four specific and interconnected ways.
Single Assembly: Advancing the Gospel by Investing in Other Churches
By Alex Arrell | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.21.2023The implication of multi-site/service models is that the best way for the lost in your town, city, or country to hear the gospel is the expansion of one particular empire.
Cooperating Under Persecution
By Paul Plantinga | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.10.2023I see a strong and growing catholicity among persecuted churches in China that churches in freer environments could learn from.
Give Members Permission to Leave Your Church
By Juan Sanchez | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.10.2023Once we learn to hold on to our members loosely, assuming they are joining another gospel-preaching church, we will begin to enjoy the benefits of leading some to flourish elsewhere, blessing other churches as a result.
Catholicity and the Church Membership Process
By John Sarver | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.06.2023Meaningful membership upholds glad-hearted catholicity.
How to Use Prayer Meetings to Promote Catholicity
By Ben Lacey | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.13.2023Use your prayer meeting to help create Great Commission culture in your church, a culture that puts competition to death and extends friendship, hospitality, and generosity to other churches.
Pray for Revival—in the Other Guy’s Church
By Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism | 06.14.2022God has a big plan for his whole world, and God will accomplish his work in the world. Sometimes he may do that through us. Sometimes he may do it through the church down the street.
Stop Calling Them Names
By Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.17.2023If you’re prone to use name-calling with theological opponents, consider three passages in Scripture and how they address our unhealthy culture in evangelicalism of pejorative labeling.
Catholicity and Missions
The Great Commission Is Bigger Than Your Church
By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.20.2023The Great Commission is bigger than your local church. How should that shape your priorities and posture as a pastor?
How Catholicity Compels Missions
By J. Kelly, J. Bowman | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.04.2023Catholicity is not only an anchor to help the church remain faithful to the apostolic faith, but it also provides a theological basis for global missions.
How Catholicity Promotes Church-Centered Missions
By Ryan Robertson | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.28.2023How can pastors encourage their congregations to appreciate ecclesiological distinctives without discarding a spirit of catholicity?
Catholicity in Different Contexts
What I’ve Learned from the Anglicans
By Dave Gobbett | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.24.2023Here are nine lessons a Baptist learned from his friends within the Church of England.
What I’ve Learned from the Baptists
By Sam Ferguson | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.24.2023Here are four things Baptists have taught one Anglican about ecclesiology.
What I’ve Learned from the Presbyterians
By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.24.2023My life, thinking, and ministry would be much poorer if it were not for the influence of the Presbyterian ministers, teachers, and writers that I have encountered, whether in person or through their writings.
Book Reviews
Book Review: Association, edited by Ryan King & Andrew King
Review by Nathan Carter | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.20.2023„Association” is unique in the way it presents a deeply biblical vision for autonomous congregations working with each other.
Book Review: Until Unity, by Francis Chan
Review by Taylor Hartley | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.15.2023Chan’s ‘Until Unity’ appeals for Christians to be united.
Book Review: Baptists in the Christian Tradition
Review by Jeremy Kimble | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023In their recent edited volume „Baptists and the Christian Tradition”, Matthew Emerson, Christopher Morgan, and Luke Stamps, along with various contributors, argue for the good of theological retrieval and engaging the Great Tradition for the sake of strengthening Baptist beliefs.
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