A Vision for Apostolic Pastors
Wanted: Apostolic Pastors
By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012How many times have pastors made remarks that seem to show that their dreams and hopes begin and end at the doors of their own church?
The Great Commission Is Bigger than Your Church
By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012The great commission is bigger than your local church. How should that shape your priorities and posture as a pastor?
Pray for Revival—In the Other Guy’s Church
By Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012Our love for Jesus never shines brighter than when we rejoice in the progress of the gospel—in others’ churches.
Stories of Apostolic Pastoring
The Birth of a Gospel Partnership: Evangelium21
By Matthias Lohmann | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012Here’s how a group of likeminded pastors came together to promote gospel growth in German churches. First step? Invite John Piper to dinner.
The Story of Sojourn Network
By Daniel Montgomery | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012How can a church raise up and sustain pastors who are faithful over the long haul? That’s a question Sojourn Network is trying to answer.
Coming Together: The Pastoral Fellowship for Practical Theology
By Brian Croft | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012From the four corners of Louisville, a growing number of pastors have been gathering for fellowship, teaching, and prayer. Here’s their story, and some of the unexpected fruits they’ve seen.
Fruits of Apostolic Pastoring
Rescued from Isolation: The Columbia Baptist Minister’s Association
By Justin Runyan | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012A young pastor found relief from self-imposed isolation through a new local association of ministers. Here’s how.
Baptists Reading Together and the Birth of Modern Missions
By Michael A. G. Haykin | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012A small group of Baptists who read, talked, and prayed together sparked a renewal that led to the birth of the modern missions movement. What might God do through similar means today?
Closer than a Brother: Why I Belong to Acts 29
By Robert Greene | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012Pastors need to care for each other. Here’s how that care found one pastor when he needed it most.
Don’t Pull the Plug on Your Association Yet
By Matthew Spandler-Davison | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012The local Baptist association is dead. Or at least on life support. This story of turning one around provides great reasons not to pull the plug just yet.
Miscellaneous Book Reviews
Book Review: Dallas and the Spitfire, by Ted Kluck and Dallas Janche
Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012By telling an extraordinary story, Dallas and the Spitfire gives hope for the ordinary.
Book Review: The Measure of Our Success, by Shawn Lovejoy
Review by Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012It pains me to write this, but perhaps the book’s greatest flaw is its use of the Bible.
Book Review: Redeeming Church Conflicts, by Tara Barthel and David Edling
Review by Matt Smethurst | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012Barthel and Edling have done the church a vital service in applying biblical counseling principles to the realm of congregational conflict.
Book Review: Turning to God, by David Wells
Review by Shane Walker | 9Marks Journal: Wanted: Apostolic Pastors | 05.08.2012In this book, David Wells skillfully delineates the Bible’s teaching on conversion and teaches us how to connect the gospel to the basic mindsets of our day
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