Dave Gobbett

What I’ve Learned from the Anglicans

By Dave Gobbett | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.24.2023

Here are nine lessons a Baptist learned from his friends within the Church of England.

Episode 211: On Playing the Long Game (with Dave Gobbett)

By D. Gobbett, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 09.27.2022

Jonathan Leeman and Mark Dever chat with Dave Gobbett, a pastor in Wales, about how to prepare for the long game of pastoral ministry.

Book Review: Captured by a Better Vision: Living Porn Free, by Tim Chester

Review by Dave Gobbett | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

In this wide-ranging, honest, and profoundly gospel-centred book, Chester demonstrates that the contemporary pornography pandemic which is crippling lives and ministries is fundamentally a problem of idolatry.

Book Review: A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing, by Glynn Harrison

Review by Dave Gobbett | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

A Better Story is a thoughtful, faithful and persuasive proposal for how to respond—or at least begin to respond—to the sexual revolution.