What are some ways businesspeople can get into missions?

  1. Businesspeople can be consultants for a business project that is serving as a missions platform. Many church planters in restricted areas use business as a means of gaining and maintaining access to such countries. Businesspeople can be consultants for such projects without ever having to leave their homes. And, with the relationships and knowledge they develop through consulting, businesspeople can engage in the mission work in a variety of other, more direct ways, such as short-term trips that combine evangelism and consulting.
  2. Businesspeople can extend their operations into other countries in order for their work to serve as a missions platform. And in extending their work into other countries, businesspeople can also be involved in evangelism and discipling as they have occasion to visit the foreign branch of their company.

Businesspeople can move to a foreign country themselves in order to set up a business that can serve as a sustainable platform for missions. In doing this they would not only provide the platform for mission work but engage in it day to day as they live and minister in a foreign context.

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