Leading a Small Group for Newly Weds

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.25.2010

It’s always better to address potential problems than actual ones, and it’s better to be proactive than reactive.

Where Does Your Congregation Turn For Help?

By Deepak Reju | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 02.25.2010

If you neglect to teach your people biblical application you have failed to shepherd the flock adequately.

The Pastor’s Wife: A Position or Juxtaposition?

By Connie Dever | 9Marks Journal: Marriage & Pastors' Wives | 02.25.2010

“What will your wife do if you become our pastor?”

Informed Consent: Biblical and Legal Protection for Church Discipline

By Ken Sande | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body | 02.25.2010

By updating your governing documents with these kinds of provisions, you can strengthen your ability to obey God’s command to restore straying sheep.

Discipline in the Mainline – Is it Possible or Even Wise?

By Kevin DeYoung | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 1) | 02.25.2010

Discipline is possible, on a congregational and on a denomination-wide level. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes. But it is rare and difficult.

Learning to Multiply

By Tim Cantrell | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

Not a single industrialized nation today has a high enough fertility rate to replace itself.

Embedded Portraits: A Theological Vision for Families 3

By Andrew Nichols | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

Does the fact that we’re having a boy or a girl make any difference in parenting beyond the color of their balloons?

Embedded Portraits: A Theological Vision for Families 2

By Andrew Nichols | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

There’s more to say about children and families than to simply affirm or deny the continuity of the covenants!

Wanted: Kingdom Families

By Anonymous | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

For that reason, even before asking whether your family should stay or go, it may be worth asking whether or not you have a Kingdom perspective at all.

Clouds on the Horizon

By Matt Chandler | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.25.2010

When we researched multi-site churches we had a hard time pinpointing concerns with it because in all the reading we did we rarely came across two churches that do it the same way.

Embedded Portraits: A Theological Vision for Families 1

By Andrew Nichols | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

Is Satan more concerned about the families in your church than you are?

Churches Raising Up Pastors – Ministry Training Strategy

By Colin Marshall | 9Marks Journal: Raising Up the Next Generation of Pastors | 02.25.2010

9Marks wants to see more churches and pastors taking responsibility for raising up the next generation of pastors. To help our readers catch a vision for what that might look like, we asked several organizations closely tied to one or several local churches how they fulfill this mission. With one exception, each of the following organization answers the same 18 questions.

Polity on Church Discipline: A User’s Guide

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 1) | 02.25.2010

If you’re a pastor trying to obey Jesus by implementing church discipline, there are few books that will aid you the way Polity will.

39 Lessons, 20 Tips and 10 “Don’ts” For Parenting

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

Preach the gospel of grace, not self-discipline.

“Don’t Do It!!” Why You Shouldn’t Practice Church Discipline

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body | 02.25.2010

When pastors first discover church discipline in the Bible, I often tell them: “Don’t do it . . . at least not yet.”