Persevere in the Highs and Lows

By Clift Barnes | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Ministry in the middle years offers an opportunity to move forward while looking back at all that God has done.

Raise up Leaders

By John Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to make overseers. However, he often uses pastors to this end.

Prepare for Unexpected Storms

By Josh Manley | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

The best time to prepare your people for suffering, persecution, or cultural marginalization is before they face them.

Unique Temptations for a New Pastor

By Brian Parks | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Becoming a senior pastor exposed me to many temptations that I did not expect. Some merely taunted and tempted me. Others I fell for.

Creating Healthy Membership Practices

By Jon Deedrick | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

As a new pastor, there’s a type of triage required of you. Not a triage of what’s urgent (like the triage unit at your local emergency room), but a triage of what’s wise.

Make the Main Thing the Main Thing on Sundays

By Bret Capranica | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

I was convinced that the table we set on Sunday would determine the whole ministry, and our main course had to be the Word of God.

Young Pastor, Care for the Older Members of Your Flock

By Dave Kiehn | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Love senior saints from your heart. They’re a blessing, not a burden.

Take Heart: Preaching to Encourage

By Tiago Oliveira | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

As you step into your new church, you are called not only to lead but also to encourage.

Loving Your Family While Leading God’s Church

By Liam Garvie | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

When conduct in the home lags behind the conduct we commend, we’re falling into hypocrisy.

Patience! Pick Your Battles Wisely

By Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Impatient pastors often love the idea of the church more than the people in the church.

Find a Mentor!

By Cheston Pickard | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Find a mentor—for your sake, for your family’s sake, for your people’s sake, and for Christ’s sake.

Be a Strong and Courageous Young Leader

By Clint Darst | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

God is with you, pastor, and he has spoken. Lean into his presence, and lead with his Word.

Candidate Wisely and Honestly

By Branton Burleson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Throughout the candidating process, trust God. Remember that he is sovereign and will be with us wherever we go.

You Aspire, but Are You Willing?

By Raymond Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

It’s easy to aspire to be a great pastor, but are you willing to do all that it takes?

Balance Patience and Ambition

By Billy Dalton | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Churches must train the ambitious patiently, giving them time to show their true colors.