9Marks Journal: How to Build Up Your Church (85-87期:如何建造你的教会:教会成员指南)

For many years, 9Marks has believed that church membership is not just a status, but an office. When you join the church, you don’t join a club, you get an office. Jesus gave you the job, and he gave you the power and authority to do it.

The target audience for most 9Marks Journals is pastors and church leaders. However, this issue of the journal is written for church members. Its purpose is to lay out some of the essential elements of this vocation. That’s why we call it a guidebook. Print it out. Read one article at a time over the course of a month. Ask God how you can better serve your brothers and sisters, your pastor, and your non-Christian neighbors.

Now, many other things in the news and culture wars may be grabbing your attention. But in the midst of it all, don’t forget to spend time with your kids, be a good neighbor, work hard for your employer, and build your church. Aside from taking care of your family, this is probably the most important thing you can do to make a difference in the world around you, not to mention doing acts of kindness in people’s lives that have eternal significance.

So, church members, this is the work you must do. We pray it will encourage you to grow in your love and service to the Bride of Christ.



