9Marks Journal: Pastoring Christians for the Workplace (34期:牧养职场圣徒)

Many Christians think that you just can’t serve the kingdom of God at work, and that kingdom work happens “after hours”—volunteering at the church nursery, attending small group, going on a mission trip, serving at the soup kitchen. Our work is a necessity that must be endured to put bread on the table. God’s interest in the fruit of our labors is primarily that we tithe off of it. The Bible offers quite a different perspective. Scripture teaches us how to serve God through our work, not just after work. The Bible speaks clear and radical words to people in the workplace, showing us that even the most menial of jobs has an essential role in the mission of God. In fact, it is surely not coincidental that most of the parables that Jesus told had a workplace context, and that of the forty miracles recorded in the book of Acts, thirty-nine of them occurred outside of a church setting. The God of the Bible seems as concerned with displaying his power outside the walls of the church as he does within it.





然而, 基督徒永恒的生命确实已经开始。并且信心帮助我们看见我们已经透过工作反映创造主的品格。我们手上削好的铅笔表明神做事是有计划和目的的。填满的数据表反映出神的照管。交通灯的闪烁诉说着神对次序的认同。医院干净的床单告诉人们神是满有怜悯的。当然神也安息在他手所做的工上。


九标志之前曾分两期讨论过带职长老的话题。是时候聊一聊如何帮助牧者思考牧养职场圣徒的事了。J.D Greear牧师带来对工作“基督化”的意义的思考。Lukas Naugle,一位职场达人,分享了那些帮助他的功课。Jamie Dunlop和Bari Nichols会帮助你思考特定的群体—那些对职场志向太好高骛远的人以及在家工作的人。

Sebastian Traeger写了两篇关于牧者和商业人士如何更好地彼此理解和服侍的文章,我尤其被鼓舞。实际上,是Sebastian促使我选择了本期的主题。别错过教会主日学课程《职场圣徒》和《忠心管家》。
