9Marks Journal: The Church Praying (46-47期:教会中的祷告)

Abraham prayed. Moses prayed. David prayed. The prophets prayed. The apostles prayed. Jesus himself prayed. But do our churches pray when they gather together? My own experience suggests, not much. There might be a few cursory upward glances through the course of a church service. But there are almost no studied, careful, extended times of prayer—little to no adoration, confession, thanksgiving, or supplication. And that lack of praying, when you think about it, is embarrassing. Do we actually think we can change the leopard spots, or bring the dead to life? Anything a church does that will be eternally worthwhile must be done by the Lord, which is to say, through prayer. Our primary hope for this Journal is that it would both encourage churches to pray more together and offer a few pointers on how.




本期期刊最大的盼望是鼓励教会聚集时更多祷告,并且提供实践的指引。可以从Ryan FullertonMegan Hill的文章开始。他们的文章会激励你读本期其余的文章。