The State of Christianity in America with Albert Mohler and Andrew Davis

9Marks | 01.19.2001

American Evangelicalism goes in for a check-up as Dr. Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. and Dr. Andrew Davis, Pastor of First Baptist Church in Durham, NC, explore the effects of modernity on the Evangelical mind.

Church and Culture with Ligon Duncan and Thomas Ascol

9Marks | 07.19.2000

Are we willing to hold to truths such as the exclusivity of the Gospel, the reality of false faith, the need for a regenerate church membership, and the necessity of church discipline? These and other questions are encountered in this challenging interview.

The Puritans with Ligon Duncan and Michael Lawrence

9Marks | 06.14.2000

Mark Dever discusses the Puritans with his own associate pastor, Michael Lawrence, and with the Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS, Ligon Duncan. Each tells how he came to know of the Puritans and how he has been affected by them in life and ministry.

On Healthy Churches and Good Pastors with Paige Patterson

9Marks | 05.27.2000

Dr. Paige Patterson, veteran pastor of 44 years and President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, describes core elements of healthy churches and good pastors and addresses delicate questions regarding Southern Baptist life.

Explicatory Preaching with Phillip Jensen

9Marks | 05.15.2000

Explicatory Preaching with Philip Jensen

Naturalism with Phillip Johnson

9Marks | 05.06.2000

Naturalism with Phillip Johnson

Life and Ministry with J. I. Packer

By J. I. Packer, M. Dever | 10.17.1999

Life and Ministry with J. I. Packer

Biblical Studies and Today’s Pastor with Peter Williams

9Marks | 08.07.1999

Biblical Studies and Today's Pastor with Peter Williams

The Ministry with Ligon Duncan

9Marks | 05.28.1999

The Ministry with Ligon Duncan

Pastoring, Preaching, and the Church with Iain Murray

9Marks | 05.20.1999

Pastoring, Preaching, and the Church with Iain Murray

Comparing Spurgeon and Lloyd-Jones

9Marks | 05.18.1999

Iain Murray gives a brief biography of the lives of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Charles Spurgeon, comparing them to each other.

Life of Carl F. H. Henry

By C. F. H. Henry, M. Dever | 10.08.1997

Mark Dever interviews Carl F. H. Henry.

Christianity and Culture with Albert Mohler

9Marks | 01.24.1997

Christianity and Culture with Albert Mohler

Polity in the Local Church with Mark Dever

9Marks | 12.31.1996

Polity in the Local Church with Mark Dever

The Source of a Healthy Church with Mark Dever

9Marks | 12.31.1996

The Source of a Healthy Church with Mark Dever