Brooks Buser

On Conversion, with Brooks Buser and Michael Lawrence (Missions Talk, Ep. 33)

By B. Buser, J. Mack Stiles, M. Lawrence, R. Robertson | 04.11.2024

In this episode of Missions Talk, Ryan Robertson and Mack Stiles talk with Brooks Buser and Michael Lawrence on the doctrine of conversion and how it relates to missions.

On the Yembi Yembi, with Brooks and Nina Buser (Missions Talk, Ep. 15)

By B. Buser, J. Mack Stiles, N. Buser, R. Robertson | 05.25.2023

Twenty years ago, the Yembi Yembi tribe had no Christians and no written language. Today, they enjoy the ministry of a healthy local church and the Scriptures in their own tongue.

Hear the amazing story in today’s episode Missions Talk with special guests Nina and Brooks Buser.

The Case for Long-Term Missions

By Brooks Buser | 01.26.2023

How can “ normal” Christians see their sons and daughters board ships and planes and be gone for decades, perhaps forever? The only sufficient answer I have found is this: these saints see past this world.

On Why Gospel Doctrine Matters in Missions with Brooks Buser and Matt Tyler (Missions Talk, Ep. 3)

By B. Buser, J. Mack Stiles, M. Tyler, R. Robertson | 10.28.2022

In this episode of Missions Talk, Ryan Robertson and Mack Stiles chat with Brooks Buser and Matt Tyler about the necessity of sound doctrine—whether you’re in the deep jungle of Papua New Guinea or a global city with 25 million people.

On Church-Centered Missions vs Movement-Driven Missions (Pastors Talk, Ep. 183)

By A. Sequeira, B. Buser, J. Mack Stiles, J. Leeman, S. Logsdon | 10.12.2021

Jonathan Leeman chats with Mack Stiles, Brooks Buser, Scott Logsdon, and Aubrey Sequeira about two diverging approaches to the obeying the Great Commission.