Episode 5: On Political Disagreements in the Church

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We live in a politically contentious time, especially in light of last November’s election. In some ways, these recent developments have made pastoring people with different political persuasions more difficult.

To that end, Jonathan Leeman sat down with Mark Dever to chat about how to pastor people faithfully amidst political disagreement. (Listen here on iTunes.)


– March us through how you pastored through the most contentious election in recent memory. (0:40)

– How preaching builds unity amidst political disagreement. (6:00)

– On the importance of upholding Christian liberty amidst personal, political disagreement (7:45)

– How can we discern "straight-line" issues from "jagged-line" issues? How do we know when to stay silent in order not to improperly bind consciences? (13:00)

– Can we sin by not addressing injustice when we should? (17:30)

– Do you address politically contentious members directly? (22:00)

– Lightning round of questions on the topic. (22:45)

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Listen to the other episodes of Pastors' Talk here.

You can also read Jonathan Leeman's article, "16 Ways to Promote Unity Amid Political Disagreement," here.

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