
Disciple Others

By Tony Shepherd | 9Marks Journal: How to Build Up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members | 03.30.2021

You don’t need to be a disciple-making guru. You just need to be available. You don’t need to be a theologian. You just need to be a means of grace to other disciples.

In Our Discipling Relationships, Best-Sellers Are Great . . . But the Bible Is Best

By Sam Koo | 02.22.2021

Books are tremendous tools for discipling. But with so many good resources out there, we can be tempted to forget the best book on discipleship—the Bible.

How Would Paul Use a Church Directory? He’d Look for Grace on Every Page.

By Caleb Batchelor | 01.20.2021

Pull out your church directory and notice God’s grace in predestination, regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification.

Moving from Programs to a Culture of Discipleship in an Immigrant Church

By Mark Pakingan | 09.11.2020

From my experience, immigrant churches tend toward program-centric ministry. Why? It’s complicated.

Keep Studying

By Evgeny Bakhmutsky | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.30.2020

When I took my final exams at university I was convinced my life would only get easier. “Well, now I will have a calm and measured life,” I thought. How wrong I was!

Pastor, Train Future Pastors

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.30.2020

The more I studied Scripture and watched pastors I respected, I became convinced that pastors have the opportunity and responsibility to train other pastors.

Should You Preach Moral Lessons from Biblical Stories?

By Jason Hood | 9Marks Journal: What's Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today? | 03.31.2020

The solution is not to jettison imitation but to look again at Scripture, letting Scripture’s own interpretation guide our proclamation.

Why Mature Christians Need Gospel-Centered Preaching

By Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: What's Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today? | 03.30.2020

In my experience, mature believers not only need gospel-centered preaching, but in fact savor it. Here’s four things this type of preaching does for those grown-up in their faith.

You’re Not a Healthy Church Unless You Care About Titus 2

By Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

If your church doesn’t encourage women teaching women the Bible, then it’s not fulfilling Scripture’s vision of a healthy church.

Content Isn’t Everything — Or, Some Help for the Boring Bible Teacher

By Jamie Dunlop | 10.21.2019

Here are three reasons why content isn’t everything—and four strategies to avoid boring teaching

Open Your Bible, Bless Your Church

By Carrie Russell | 10.04.2019

Of course, studying God’s Word is always better than not studying his Word. But the best place to do this is with fellow members from your local church. 

Your Church Needs More Time for Personal Testimonies

By Dustin Crowe | 08.19.2019

We should consider implementing personal testimonies—the practice of remembering God’s wondrous works and celebrating his mighty deeds in our lives and churches.

Confessing Sin Is Always Awkward, Sometimes Costly, and Absolutely Worth It

By John Lee | 07.22.2019

It’s true. Confession could cost your reputation. It could result in an awkward conversation. But freedom in the gracious, holy light of God is priceless.

How to Conduct a Membership Interview

How to Conduct a Membership Interview

By PJ Tibayan | 9Marks Journal: Church Membership: Following the Lord Together | 05.07.2019

The two-pronged goal of an interview is to (1) disciple the person, and (2) discern whether their profession of faith in Jesus is credible. You want to disciple and discern.

We Need to Help New Converts from Non-Christian Backgrounds Honor Their Families

By Ajith Fernando | 03.28.2019

It’s vital for older Christians to talk often with new Christians, making sure that in following Christ, they haven’t unduly harmed their relationship with their family.