2015 in Review

9 ways we bring churches alive


Publish books to explain God’s plan for the church


In 2015, 9Marks published 6 books and translated 33 books to get into the hands of pastors and church members around the globe.

Keep us writing


Talk with theologians of our time

9marks_eoy_landing_07For example, in 2015 we discussed Life, Ministry, and Books with Tim Keller.

Provide for future conversations


Gather with others to think, pray, and sing

9marks_eoy_landing_11 9Marks organized events for practical training and spiritual encouragement. These events not only produce useful content, but lasting friendships and networks of like-minded brothers.

Gather with us


Jump in the trenches with you

9marks_eoy_landing_07 Our new 9Marks Mailbag feature tackled how to preach to non-believers, handle tricky baptism situations, cooperate with other churches, and many other real-life case studies.

Enable us to keep helping


Write practical and theological tools for the trade

9marks_eoy_landing_11Our quarterly 9Marks Journal aims to equip pastors with tools for their trade, both practical and theological.

Equip pastors for the work of the ministry


Help find and build churches where you are

9marks_eoy_landing_15 The Church Search has brought new members to your congregation, and may help you find your next church home.

Help others find a church home


Review the latest literature

9marks_eoy_landing_089Marks Book Reviews help you think carefully about the theological and practical implications of teaching found in books.

Encourage careful thinking


Think through tough subjects


In articles like Lesbianism to Complementarianism or Greatest Danger Facing Churches or Why White Churches are Hard for Black People, 9Marks addresses hard questions and circumstances.

Support our editors


Equip church leaders to build healthy churches


9Marks exists to equip church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for displaying God’s glory to the nations through healthy churches.

Invest in the work of keeping healthy churches alive