What is the relationship between the elders and the church?

By Mark Dever | 03.01.2010

The relationship between the elders and the local congregation they serve should be marked by many evidences of godly character and mutual dependence on God. Not least among these should be:

Is there a formula for deciding what to preach?

By Andy Davis | 03.01.2010

Preach always in such a way that God’s words are made clear and God’s message comes straight from the text.

Pastors’ and Theologians’ Forum on Church and Culture

By Forum | 9Marks Journal: Church & Culture | 03.01.2010

Does Scripture call the local church to the work of cultural transformation?

Looking For A Few Good Men

By M. Dever, P. Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

Life experience alone does not qualify a man as an elder.

Should Elders Be Ordained?

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

To rightfully be a “pastor” (or deacon) is to be “ordained” in the sense of being publicly installed into that office.

Unbelief in an Elder’s Children — Exegesis

By Justin Taylor | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

May a man have children who are unbelievers and yet be appointed or continue as an elder?

Elder Vows Sample

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

When Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC installs a new elder, the following vows will be recited during the Sunday morning service between an elder, the elder(s) being confirmed, and … keep reading…

Unbelief in an Elder’s Children — Practice

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

Can you envision a scenario in which your child’s unbelief would disqualify you?

Caring for the Pastor: The Sabbatical

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

The role of pastor-preacher, if done faithfully, is one of the most taxing jobs in the world.

Is Congregationalism a Democracy?

By Paul Alexander | 02.26.2010

Is congregationalism a democracy? There are some striking resemblances, but the biblical answer is no.

Disagreements and Differences Among Elders

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

What do you do when you struggle to get along with a fellow elder?

Ninth Mark of a Healthy Church Member — Follows Leadership

By Thabiti Anyabwile | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

Church members are the people who generally make or break a local church.

Seminary Smarties — Now Showing At A Website Near You

By Bill Mounce | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

As we know, the one qualification that separates elders from other roles in the church is that they be “able to teach” (1 Tim. 3:2).

What Distinguishes Biblical Counseling from other Methods?

By David Powlison | 02.26.2010

Just what is “biblical counseling” anyway?

Why (and How) Your Church Should Hold the 1689 Confession

By Sam Waldron | 02.26.2010

Should you use the 1689 London Confession in your church? Yes, and here’s why.