What Is Evangelism?

A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

For all members of the church, but particularly for leaders who have the responsibility of teaching, a biblical understanding of evangelism is crucial.

The Whole Commission: Why Making Disciples Includes More Than Evangelism

By John Sarver | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Christian work that stops at evangelism misunderstands not only what they’re called to, but what God is up to in the lives of his people.

Must Every Christian Evangelize?

By Tim Beougher | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.15.2024

Church members sometimes wonder if they should just leave evangelism to the “professionals.”

They Will Listen: Evangelistic Confidence in a Cynical Age

By Paul Billings | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.12.2024

Whatever your experience has told you about evangelism, take hope from Acts  28:28.

Evangelism and the Church

Connecting Evangelism and Church

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.17.2024

Is evangelism an individual sport or a team sport? Really, it’s both.

Evangelistic Expository Preaching

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

The converted and the unconverted need preaching in which the fullness of God’s Word is exposed and the atoning work of Christ explored.

Addressing Nonbelievers in Corporate Worship

By Jamie Southcombe | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

To what extent should we address and acknowledge non-Christians when leading, preaching, and praying?

How to Equip the Church for Evangelism

By Brad Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

If evangelism is the expectation of every disciple, then every disciple needs to be equipped in evangelism.

Three Ingredients for an Evangelistic Church Culture

By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

It’s better for your church to have an evangelistic culture than just a series of evangelistic programs.

Reaching the “Converted”

By Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Some of our most obvious evangelistic opportunities are with the people who are members of our churches.

Building a Culture of Evangelism Takes Time, So Be Patient and Get to Work

By C. Greggsen, S. Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Programs come and go. A culture endures.

Why People in Your Church Don’t Do Evangelism—and One Really Important Thing to Do About It

By Isaac Adams | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Even though many Christians at your church genuinely want to make God known, they struggle in evangelism. Have you ever wondered why that is?

Evangelism in Children’s and Youth Ministry

By Mitch Kimbrell | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Every person in your church—from unborn babies to those who come in by walker or cane—is conceived in Adam and needs to be born again in the second Adam.

Evangelism Without an Altar Call

By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.29.2024

With the best of intentions, practitioners of the altar call and spontaneous baptisms have likely given many unsaved persons false confidence they know Jesus.

Fisherman or Fishermen? Considering the Church’s Corporate Mission

By Matt Sliger | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

When Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, “I will make you fishers of men,” do you picture an individual sitting on the edge of a pier with a rod and reel?

Evangelistic Programs or the Alternative?

By J. Mack Stiles | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.24.2024

When we take a cold, hard look at programs, things just don’t add up.

Growing in Evangelism

Commend the One You Cherish: Learning Evangelism from John Piper

By David Mathis | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.22.2024

John Piper did not become a “traveling evangelist” like his father. Yet, in God’s remarkable providence, the evangelist’s son has quietly, inconspicuously, almost counterintuitively been a surprisingly fruitful winner of souls.

Pre-Evangelism: Building Relational Trenches

By Paul Billings | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.31.2024

Do “people skills” matter in evangelism? I think they do, especially in today’s world.

What If I’m Discouraged in My Evangelism?

By Zach Schlegel | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

One pastor answers five discouragements with five truths about God to help us and our churches not grow weary or lose heart in evangelism.

Five Reasons We Don’t Evangelize

By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

There’s no way to share the gospel if you aren’t prepared to share the gospel.

What Place Do Gospel Tracts Have in Evangelism Today?

By Alberto Puente | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

God continues to amaze me as he uses something as simple as a tract to introduce people to the gospel and to our church.

Evangelism on the Ground

The Gospel for a Gay Friend

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Every Christian is a living miracle. If Jesus can save you, he can save anyone.

Evangelism in a Post-Christian Culture

By Elliot Clark | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Despite the “newness” of what we’re facing in this country, it’s not all that new in the life of the church.

Evangelism as a Community Project

By Joel Kurz | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Personal evangelism should not look like lone-ranger Christianity.

Evangelism in the Workplace

By Ashok Nachnani | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

We should expect the Lord to answer our prayers and grant us opportunities to speak of Christ. God has put you where you are for a purpose.

Evangelizing Prosperity Gospel Disciples

By Godwin Sathianathan | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

The Christian life isn’t doing more for Jesus to get more from Jesus. The Christian life is forsaking more for Jesus to gain more of Jesus.

How to Evangelize Cross Culturally

By John Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Here are three lessons one church has learned living and ministering in an ultra-multi-cultural environment.

Evangelism Across Economic Boundaries

By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

Here are a few things one pastor has learned from leading a church that is trying to reach out to folks from different backgrounds.

How Hospitality Helps Evangelism

By Sam Crites | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

The gospel is a story of hospitality—of someone sacrificially loving strangers that they might become family.

Evangelizing the Nations at Home

By Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

You might be surprised what nations God has brought to your doorstep.

Reaching Our Neighbors with the Gospel

By Allen Duty | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

We won’t reach our neighbors with our theology of evangelism; we will only reach our neighbors with repentant hearts that lead us to practice what we preach.

Evangelism Stories

How Spurgeon Got His Congregation

By Geoff Chang | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

How did Spurgeon get his church? Not as a lone ranger reaching the world with his preaching, but rather the evangelistic efforts of ordinary church members.

Tim Keller on Apologetics as Evangelism

By Collin Hansen | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.05.2024

From this interaction of Tim Keller’s and the fruit that followed, we are encouraged to consider how we may employ a similar apologetical approach when confronting secularism’s edge in evangelism.

Japanese Student Finds Life in Switzerland and Takes It Back Home

By Christian Schmid | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 02.06.2024

A visitor candidly replied she was not interested in religion. But God was interested in her.

Seasons in a Pastor’s Life

június 2024
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Church Planting

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A New Christian Authoritarianism?

április 2023
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The Church’s Ministries

december 2022
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The Pastor and Church Administration

szeptember 2022
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Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism

június 2022
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Expressive Individualism in the Church

március 2022
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Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry

október 2021
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The Ordinary Means of Grace—Or, Don’t Do Weird Stuff

July 2021
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How to Build Up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members

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Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory

december 2020
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Pastoring Through Political Turmoil

September 2020
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Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor

június 2020
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What’s Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today?

március 2020
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Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

december 2019
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The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement

August 2019
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Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

május 2019
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Ecclesiology for Calvinists

február 2019
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The Pastor and Pornography

The Pastor and Pornography

október 2018
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Pastoral Burnout: Its Causes & Cures

július 2018
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Church Life: Our True Political Witness

Spring 2018
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Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body

január 2018
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The Reformation and Your Church

Fall 2017
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Church Mergers and Plants

Summer 2017
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Pastoring Singles

Spring 2017
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Healthy Churches around the World

Fall / Winter 2016
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Authority: God’s Good and Dangerous Gift

Summer/Fall 2016
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The Church Praying

Spring 2016
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Confessions, Covenants, and Constitutions: How to Organize Your Church

Winter 2016
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Missions: Adding Wisdom to Zeal

december 2015
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Multi-Ethnic Churches

Summer/Fall 2015
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Expositional Preaching

Spring 2015
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Complementarianism & the Local Church

Winter 2015
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Vanishing Church?

Fall 2014
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Biblical Theology: Guardian and Guide of the Church

Summer 2014
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The Church Singing

May–June 2014
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Prosperity Gospel

January–February 2014
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Evangelism – Part 2

November–December 2013
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Evangelism – Part 1

September–October 2013
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Is Scripture Enough?

July–August 2013
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Church and Churches

May—June 2013
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Pastoring Christians for the Workplace

March—April 2013
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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide—Part 2

Jan—Feb 2013
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Lay Elders: A User’s Guide – Part 1

November—December 2012
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Discipling in the Church

September—October 2012
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Mercy Ministry in the Church

July—August 2012
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Wanted: Apostolic Pastors

May—June 2012
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The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion

March—April 2012
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Don’t Be Too Cool for Sunday School

January—February 2012
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Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How

November—December 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2

September—October 2011
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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 1

July—August 2011
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Church Membership: Holding the Body Together

May—June 2011
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Church and Parachurch: Friends or Foes?

March—April 2011
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Pastoral Moves

January—February 2011
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Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church

November—December 2010
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Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality

September—October 2010
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Pastoring Women

July—August 2010
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Journal about Deacons


May - June 2010
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A New Evangelical Liberalism

January—February 2010

Church Discipline (Part 2)

November—December 2009

Church Discipline (Part 1)

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Multi-site Churches

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Young Pastors

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Raising Up the Next Generation of Pastors

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Counseling in the Church

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Family & Parenting

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Marriage & Pastors’ Wives

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Living As a Church

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Corporate Prayer

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Elders (Part 2)

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