Revitalization with an Eye Toward Church Planting

By Matt Capps | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

If you are currently in the midst of a revitalization, don’t necessarily neglect church planting.

Church Planting by Peaceable Division

By Colin Clark | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

In September our church did something crazy, and I offer six lessons we learned from the process.

Church Planters, Make Sure Your People Know You Love Them

By Steve Jennings | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

I once asked a long-time pastor: “What’s one piece of advice you would give a first-time pastor preparing to plant a church?”

Taking Risks in Church Planting by Sending Your Best Members and Elders

By Juan Sanchez | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

We can always find reasons, even good ones, for not planting a church. And yet, the need for church planting in my town far outweighs whatever adverse effects we may face.

Church Planters, Don’t Wait to Put Your Documents in Place!

By Joel Kurz | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

We waited three years to put our church documents in order, and we suffered for it.

Church Planting across Ethnic Lines

By Joel Kurz | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

As you carefully move forward in humility and with wisdom, be encouraged that God often uses cross-cultural work for his own glory.

Knowing When to Say When: Reflections from a Failed Church Plant

By Derek Bass | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

Our God wastes absolutely nothing.

The Priority of Patience, Prayer, and Preaching in Church Planting

By Josh Manley | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

As you patiently “preach and pray, love and stay,” you’ll find that your church has been planted on fertile soil that bears up good and lasting fruit.

How to Do Ministry When You Have No Money

By Brian Davis | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

Like King David, we don’t go armed from the armory of the world—no, our stones from the brook are promises from the Word of God.

Church Planting in the Same Building 

By Matthew Spandler-Davison | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

I simply want to offer an alternative to a costly building campaign or tying up resources in more bricks and mortar. That alternative is establishing a network of churches that partner together to share property and resources, and support each other in the work of the ministry.

Stop Launching Churches, Covenant Together Instead

By Nathan Knight | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

The word covenant will help to shepherd our people into a richer, deeper, and more biblical picture of what the life of the local church is and what it’s not.

Planting Churches for Pleasure, Not for Profit

By Nathan Knight | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

Here are three principles we should all consider so that we might plant churches for the infinite pleasure of God’s glory over and against our own profit.

Personal Evangelism for the Planter and the Church Plant

By J. Mack Stiles | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

If evangelism is to be woven into the fabric of the life of a new church plant and its pastor, it takes some thought and planning.

The Blessings and Burdens of a Church Planter’s Wife

By Gloria Furman | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

Blessings and burdens mingle together as we live in this world that groans for the Day of redemption.

What 9Marks Purists Should Know About Church Planting 

By Ed Stetzer | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

Learn best practices, learn how to engage the lost, learn how to lead your church well to engage its community, but don’t do so by moving away from the gospel, the Scriptures, and a biblical understanding of church.