Joshua 1–2: On Gentile Passovers and Joshua as Jeremy Renner as Jason Bourne (Bible Talk, Ep. 64)

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Bible Talk is back! After more than 40 hours through the Torah, Alex Duke chats Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about Joshua 1–2. They cover Rahab and the spies, bad biblical theology, and more.


1:28 / Where is Israel in the OT narrative as Joshua begins?

1:44 / Who wrote Joshua?

2:16 / Who is Joshua?

4:45 / Is our new author writing a different genre of Scripture than the Pentateuch? And is the book of Joshua a sequel to the Pentateuch?

8:56 / Why is the transition of Israel’s leadership from Moses to Joshua at the Jordan River significant?

10:22 / Why is Joshua “the New Testament of the Old Testament?” What’s helpful to know about the structure going into the book?

13:55 / What’s noteworthy about the opening verses of Joshua’s opening chapter?

17:51 / What does Joshua say in his first speech to the Israelites? (Josh. 1:10-15)

19:45 / God’s Word reverberates back-and-forth through the people of Israel.

21:32 / What’s Joshua’s plan with sending spies to Jericho … again? (Josh. 2:1)

22:08 / What does chapter two even add to the book?

23:10 / How does the king of Jericho resemble Pharaoh in Exodus 1-2?

26:42 / When is lying like Rahab justifiable?

29:41 / How does Rahab know who the Lord is? (Josh. 2:9-13)

34:48 / How did Rahab end up in the genealogy of Jesus?

35:41 / What’s the sign of protection the spies give to Rahab? What its theological significance?

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Painting: Rahab, Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1860)

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