RTIM + 9Marks at CROSS ’21

| December 30, 2021 | Register
Speakers: Alex Duke, Ryan Townsend, Ryan Robertson, Mack Stiles, Garrett Kell, and Juan Sanchez

Join us for a late-night event at CROSS ’21

You’ve probably heard of 9Marks @ 9. Well, for a conference for college students, we figured we’d try to stay up even later. If you’re attending this month’s CROSS CONFERENCE, you should join us for 9Marks @ 10:30 (Thursday, Dec 30 2021).

Co-hosted with our friends at Reaching & Teaching, we’ll get together for a late-night conversation on the vital differences between Church-Centered Missions and Movement-Driven Missions.

We look forward to seeing you there. Register here.

Panelists: Alex Duke, Ryan Townsend, Ryan Robertson, Mack Stiles, Garrett Kell, and Juan Sanchez


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