9Marks Conference Northwest (Mar 4-5, 2002)

| January 1, 1970

The 9Marks Conference Northwest is a way for Christians to learn about often-overlooked biblical practices for the church. The focus of this 2022 conference is the important topic of Conversion. We want to be churches who are comprised of followers of Jesus Christ who rightly understand true conversion and live converted lives. This conference will be helpful to both vocational church leaders as well as lay leaders and congregants as we seek to encourage the breadth of the local church.

Speakers will present nine sessions on building healthy (that is, biblical) churches in light of conversion. We want to think about not just what conversion is, but what it means for the local church. There will be many opportunities throughout the conference to ask questions, dialogue with the speakers, and build relationships with other Christians.

To register, please go here: https://www.hinsonchurch.org/upcomingevents

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