Whitefield and Catholicity with Iain Murray

9Marks | 05.19.2005

Is the history of Evangelicalism a little blurry for you? Or are you a history buff who loves to talk about names, dates and changes on the historical scene? How did The Great Awakening’s George Whitefield work with other denominations? Listen as Iain Murray lectures on Capitol Hill.

Changing Minds: Theology and Culture with David Wells

9Marks | 05.14.2005

How have trends in consumerism and an increasingly pluralistic culture affected the spiritual prosperity and biblical faithfulness of the church over the last 75 years? Listen as Mark Dever sits down Gordon-Conwell professor, David Wells. Don’t forget your thinking cap, you’ll need it.

Elders and Southern Baptists with Mark Dever

9Marks | 03.30.2005

Historically, how did Southern Baptists view the role of elders in church life? Listen as Randel Jackson from World Impact Ministries peppers Mark Dever with questions about Southern Baptists and their historic positions on church polity.

Theology and Books with R.C. Sproul

By M. Dever, R. C. Sproul | 01.23.2005

Ever wished you could sit and listen to one of Evangelicalism’s premier leaders and teachers talk about how his theology developed and why he penned his published works? Here’s your shot. Mark Dever takes RC Sproul for a coffee-house chat about biblical theology and the books he published.

Sermon Preparation with Mark Dever

9Marks | 12.14.2004

Mark Dever lectures during a weekender about how to prepare an expositional sermon.

Service Preparation Seminar, with Mark Dever

9Marks | 11.15.2004

How do you decide what to preach next? How do you put together a service in which each element is meaningful and contributing to a distinctively Christian theme? Mark invites you into his study as he shares his method and philosophy on planning Sunday services.

Children’s Ministry, with David and Sally Michael

9Marks | 11.14.2004

Can we actually teach 5 and 6 year olds about the biblical concepts of sin, repentance, faith, and the nature of God? If you’re inclined to say no, then you might be interested in hearing how one of the most influential churches in America is proving that assumption wrong.

A Writer’s Retrospective with John Piper, Part 2

9Marks | 10.12.2004

Listen as John Piper talks about the books he has written and the passion he has for the supremacy of Christ in all things.

A Writer’s Retrospective with John Piper, Part 1

9Marks | 10.12.2004

Listen as John Piper talks about the books he has written and the passion he has for the supremacy of Christ in all things.

Justification and the New Perspective with Ligon Duncan

9Marks | 07.30.2004

Is this New Perspective something to be excited about? Eavesdrop on Mark Dever as he queries Ligon Duncan, senior minister at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS, about the attractions and perils of the New Perspective on Paul.

A Roundtable Discussion on the Church

9Marks | 07.12.2004

The church is intended to be a display of God’s glory to the spiritual powers and to our unconverted neighbors. So how are we doing? Listen as four church-watchers bat around questions that deal with both the theological and practical aspects of local church life.

Modern Church Reform II with Mark Dever

9Marks | 04.13.2004

What distinguishes a local church from a club or company? Here’s your chance to be a fly on the wall as Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, shares his heart and mind on the contemporary state of the church and a biblical trajectory for reform.

Interning in the Church with Mark Dever

By Mark Dever | 11.30.2001

How might a church internship program be structured? Mark Dever interviews five Capitol Hill Baptist interns about their experiences preparing for ministry.

Membership and Congregationalism with Mark Dever

9Marks | 02.23.2001

Mark Dever gives a topical sermon on a biblical view of membership and congregationalism in the local church.

Elders and Deacons with Mark Dever

9Marks | 01.27.2001

Mark Dever gives a topical sermon on a biblical view of Elders and Deacons in the local church.