Book Review: Why Men Do Not Go to Church, by Cortland Myers (1899)

Review by Ken Barbic | 9Marks Journal: Biblical Theology | 03.08.2010

Today is the age of target marketing. Savvy advertisers constantly ask themselves, "How can we make our product more desirable to the various groups who are presently unaware of its benefits?"

It’s in this vein that Cortland Myers raises the question in his book by the title, "Why do men not go to church?" This is, he says, "one of the burning questions of the hour."

Book Review: Evaluating the Church Growth Movement: Five Views, ed. by Paul Engle and Gary McIntosh

Review by Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Mission | 03.08.2010

This, I think, is the key takeaway from this book: If you start with man, you won’t rise above man-made theories.

Book Review: Why Men Hate Going to Church, by David Murrow

Review by Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Biblical Theology | 03.06.2010

Churches have shifted toward a style that is comfortable for the stereotypical woman—at the expense of the stereotypical man.

Book Review: Manly Dominion: In a Passive-Purple-Four-Ball World, by Mark Chanski

Review by Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: Biblical Theology | 03.06.2010

This book is superb. It will train the godly men of today to raise the godly men of tomorrow.

Book Review: The Multi-Site Church Revolution

Review by John Hammett | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 03.06.2010

Much of what this book contains can be transferred to a church planting model, thus accomplishing many of the same goals and relieving many of the troubling ecclesiological questions.

Book(s) Review: This Little Church . . . Went to Market & Stayed Home, by Gary Gilley

Review by Flynn Cratty | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 03.06.2010

In the end, this emphasis on the Bible as the norm for life and doctrine is the most helpful thing in these two books.

Book Review: Shepherds After My Own Heart, by Timothy Laniak

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 03.05.2010

This book is excellent, and should be read by every thoughtful and thoughtless pastor, so that they might better understand both the Word and their own role.

Book Review: Called to the Ministry, by Edmund Clowney

Review by Ken Barbic | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 03.05.2010

Clowney applies larger issues of guidance and decision making to the realm of vocational Christian ministry, and he does so in a succinct but powerful manner.

Book Review: Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture, by Graeme Goldsworthy

Review by Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 03.05.2010

Read this book, and you’ll not only want to re-read it, you’ll want to re-read your Bible.

Book Review: Preaching Christ in All of Scripture, by Edmund Clowney

Review by Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 03.05.2010

This book is worth having on your shelf for the primary reason that it will encourage you to preach Christ himself from the Old Testament.

Book Review: Preaching Parables to Postmoderns, by Brian Stiller

Review by Carl Trueman | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 03.05.2010

In the end, I was perplexed by the book. There was plenty of thought-provoking material, but there was also a rather contrived view of postmodernism.

Book Review: Preaching Christ from the Old Testament, by Sidney Greidanus

Review by Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 03.05.2010

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament is an excellent resource that has yet to be replaced.

Book(s) Review: God's Big Picture, Gospel & Kingdom, and According to Plan, by Vaughan Roberts and Graeme Goldsworthy

Review by Nicholas G. Piotrowski | 03.05.2010

A one-stop review of three biblical theology classics.

Book Review: Him We Proclaim, by Dennis Johnson

Review by Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 03.05.2010

There are a myriad of books on preaching, but Johnson believes that the Bible is finally the best guidebook for preaching the Bible.

Book Review: Leading Turnaround Teams, by Gene Wood and Daniel Harkavy

Review by Will Kynes | 03.05.2010

The church is not a business. Yet the fact that pastors and seminarians are routinely barraged with books that promise growth based on business principles testifies to the triumph of … keep reading…