On Raising Up Associate Pastors, with Bobby Jamieson, Mark Feather, and Deepak Reju (Pastors Talk, Ep 266)

By B. Jamieson, D. Reju, J. Leeman, M. Feather | 04.30.2024

What makes a good associate pastor? How can he complement a senior pastor’s weaknesses and extend his strengths?

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman interviews Deepak Reju, Bobby Jamieson, and Mark Feather about their experience as associate pastors.

How a Praying Church Benefits Women, with Megan Hill (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 35)

By E. Wheeler, J. Manley, K. Folmar, M. Hill | 04.29.2024

In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri Folmar, Jenny Manley, and Erin Wheeler interview Megan Hill and discuss how women can bless their churches and benefit from prayer.

Recent Multimedia

Book Review: The Church, by Erin Wheeler

By Rachel Ware | 04.29.2024

Erin Wheeler does a wonderful job of both defending the doctrine of the church and describing its beauty.

Four Reasons to Preach the Psalms as a Book

By Davy Ellison | 04.26.2024

The intentional ordering of the 150 psalms may have been rediscovered in academia, but it has very practical benefits for the Christian in the pew.