Are manuscripts preferable to outlines or notes?


Not necessarily. Do whatever works for you.

The advantage of writing out a full manuscript before preaching a sermon (whether or not you take that manuscript into the pulpit) is that writing is the evidence of thought. Writing down everything you intend to say will sharpen your thoughts and force you to be clearer and more precise than you would have been otherwise.

Should pastors change anything in the first year?


The answer to that question depends on the kind of church a pastor is stepping into.

How do you prepare to preach an expositional sermon? What steps are involved?


Different preachers will develop slightly different ways of preparing sermons, which is fine. Do what works for you. That said, here are some steps that should be involved in the preparation of any expositional sermon.

How do pastors know what hills are worth dying on?


No doubt questions like this must be answered on a case by case basis, but here are seven general areas in which pastors may be called upon to stake their job:

How do you do expositional preaching poorly?

Do no application. Expositional preaching is preaching that takes the main point of a scriptural text, makes it the main point of the sermon, and applies it to life today. Good expositional preaching will apply the text specifically: to different kinds of people in different spiritual states and different situations in life.

Why is expositional preaching particularly relevant for people in postmodern times?


Some people today claim that expositional preaching is irrelevant for postmodern people. “People today need narrative and conversation and dialogue and drama! They don’t need expositional preaching.”

In fact, expositional preaching is particularly relevant for postmodern people:

Isn’t expositional preaching too monological and one-sided? Don’t people better learn through dialogue?

Some people resent expositional preaching’s monological mode. One man stands up for many minutes and preaches while everyone else listens. Isn’t this unfair or even oppressive? What about conversation? Certainly, there should be plenty of venues in the life of the church for conversation, whether through inductive Bible studies, follow-up sermon studies in small groups, or other contexts. 

Is expositional preaching the only kind of preaching a pastor should do?


No, expostional preaching is not the only kind of preaching a pastor should do. But…

Do we see examples of expositional preaching in the Bible?


Yes. Some of these are more distant historical precedents and some of these are clear examples of expositional preaching—preaching that explains and applies the main point of a biblical text.

Why should a pastor preach expositionally?


A pastor should preach expositionally because God works through God’s word. God speaking is God acting.*

What tips do you have for dealing with bad leaders that you inherit in a new pastorate?

Pray.  Pray for wisdom. Pray for humility. Pray for unity between you and your church’s other leaders. Pray that God would work in their hearts. Preach the Bible. All genuine change in a church comes as God works through his Word. Pray that God would use your teaching of his Word to change the hearts of your leaders.

Why should expositional preaching include biblical theology?

Bibilical theology is necessary in order to understand the text. We can truly understand a text of Scripture only by situating it within the overall narrative of redemptive history.

How should you deal with a bad statement of faith, church covenant, or church constitution that you inherit in a new pastorate?


It depends on your circumstances. But here are four different tactics that you might find helpful.

Why should expositional preaching include systematic theology?


Is there a contradiction between systematic theology and faithful preaching of the text? Can we faithfully do both?

Recently, some people have begun to argue that systematic theology inherently distorts the meaning of scriptural texts. They argue that any “system” imposes foreign thought-structures onto biblical texts, necessarily tampering with their meaning.