To Study History, Exercise Virtue

By John D. Wilsey | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023

Virtues help us to guard against the extreme vices of nostalgia and cynicism in our historical thinking as we come to grips with what it means to be an American.

Theonomy Primer: What Is It and How Does It Work?

By Tom Hicks | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023

Theonomy has a view of the gospel and of the church’s mission that goes beyond preaching Christ and him crucified and risen for the conversion of sinners and the building up of churches.

Culture Warriors: The Good and the Bad

By Michael Horton | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023

The witness of the early church exposes us to a sort of culture warrior, but one who contrasts rather sharply from what’s usually meant by that term today.

Postmillennialism and Theonomy

By David Schrock | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.27.2023

Christ is reigning, and he will accomplish his purpose on earth as it is in heaven. But that purpose is best seen in the beautification and building up of the church in the midst of nations, not a final golden era among the nations, where all the nations are made Christian by the church’s influence.

A Progressive Covenantal Perspective: Theonomy and Moses’s Law

By Jason S. DeRouchie | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.20.2023

Theonomy fails to recognize that the New Testament applies Moses’s law through Christ only to the church and never to the state.

Relating Moses’s Law to Christians

By Jason S. DeRouchie | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.20.2023

How does Moses’s law apply to believers today when so much has changed with Christ’s coming, not least of which is that we are part of the new covenant and not the old?

Government’s Two-Edged Sword

By Matthew T. Martens | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.20.2023

To what extent should the government use its coercive power to enforce Christian ethics?

A Progressive Covenantal Perspective: Paul and the Tripartite Division of Moses’s Law

By Joshua M. Greever | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.20.2023

Christians must call their governments to pursue and maintain a divinely-given, objective standard of morality. But Paul did not hold forth the law of Moses as this standard.

The Many Faces of Christian Nationalism

By John D. Wilsey | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.20.2023

In all our social media hot takes on Christian nationalism, we miss how nuanced nationalism has been in the American experience.

Reconstruction Theonomy vs. General Equity Theonomy

By Joseph Thigpen | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.19.2023

Several distinctions can be made among the theonomists of our day.

Political Life Begins in the Church

By Patrick Schreiner | 04.19.2023

The local church is the political rallying point for all of God’s people. We all occupy different stations, but we are all politicians.

The Noahic Covenant’s Importance for Government

By David VanDrunen | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.18.2023

Christians’ political thinking and conduct should always reflect the fact that our governments are in covenant with God through the Noahic covenant.

Three Building Blocks for a Christian’s Political Theology

By Kevin DeYoung | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.14.2023

Every pastor desires to see his congregation formed theologically. Part of this theological formation involves thinking through a number of questions that relate to church and state.

Motivation for Pastors to Embrace the Challenge of Reading ‚Communion with God‘ by John Owen

By Mike McKinley | 04.11.2023

There is much gold to be mined from works that have stood the test of time and helped Christians for centuries.

Modern Exhortations to Pastoral Friendship

By B. Croft, J. B. Carroll, M. A. G. Haykin | 03.16.2023

Despite increasing connectedness, many in our culture face a growing isolation of the soul and pastors are prime candidates for this paradoxical lifestyle.