Pastors’ and Theologians’ Forum on Church and Culture

By Forum | 9Marks Journal: Church & Culture | 03.01.2010

Does Scripture call the local church to the work of cultural transformation?

Looking For A Few Good Men

By M. Dever, P. Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

Life experience alone does not qualify a man as an elder.

Should Elders Be Ordained?

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

To rightfully be a “pastor” (or deacon) is to be “ordained” in the sense of being publicly installed into that office.

Unbelief in an Elder’s Children — Exegesis

By Justin Taylor | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

May a man have children who are unbelievers and yet be appointed or continue as an elder?

Elder Vows Sample

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

When Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC installs a new elder, the following vows will be recited during the Sunday morning service between an elder, the elder(s) being confirmed, and … keep reading…

Unbelief in an Elder’s Children — Practice

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 1) | 02.26.2010

Can you envision a scenario in which your child’s unbelief would disqualify you?

Caring for the Pastor: The Sabbatical

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

The role of pastor-preacher, if done faithfully, is one of the most taxing jobs in the world.

Is Congregationalism a Democracy?

By Paul Alexander | 02.26.2010

Is congregationalism a democracy? There are some striking resemblances, but the biblical answer is no.

Disagreements and Differences Among Elders

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

What do you do when you struggle to get along with a fellow elder?

Ninth Mark of a Healthy Church Member — Follows Leadership

By Thabiti Anyabwile | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

Church members are the people who generally make or break a local church.

Seminary Smarties — Now Showing At A Website Near You

By Bill Mounce | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

As we know, the one qualification that separates elders from other roles in the church is that they be “able to teach” (1 Tim. 3:2).

What Distinguishes Biblical Counseling from other Methods?

By David Powlison | 02.26.2010

Just what is “biblical counseling” anyway?

Why (and How) Your Church Should Hold the 1689 Confession

By Sam Waldron | 02.26.2010

Should you use the 1689 London Confession in your church? Yes, and here’s why.

Lessons in Shepherding 3: The Gospels

By Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010

To say that Jesus is the shepherd of his flock is to say that he’s a ruler.

Lessons in Shepherding 2: Jeremiah and Ezekiel

By Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010