Learning from Scripture and History on Pastoring in Political Turmoil

13 Principles for Pastoring Through Political Turmoil

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

We feel the political heat for different reasons, but we all feel it. How do we endure? Here are thirteen principles for pastoring through political turmoil.

Don’t Get Left Behind: Why Pastors Should Consider Preaching through Revelation in Our Cultural Moment

By Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

If you want to pastor faithfully in the midst of cultural and political turmoil, then consider teaching through the book of Revelation.

Binding Consciences: Why We Do It, How We Do It, and Why It’s So Dangerous

By Brad Littlejohn | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

We must defend Christian liberty without falling into relativistic complacency. But when we hastily conflate all our conclusions with all God’s commands, we endanger our own consciences and those of our brothers and sisters.

Pastoring with Certainty in Uncertain Times

By Zach Schlegel | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

How do we pastor a congregation with conflicting sets of political certainties? How do we maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3) without compromising what’s true?

How Did Charles Spurgeon Address Contemporary Issues in His Preaching?

By A. DiPrima, G. Chang | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Charles Spurgeon lived during a time of social and political upheaval. How did that affect his preaching?

What Can a 424-Year-Old Book Teach Us about the Conscience?

By Caleb Morell | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

What can a 424-year-old book teach us about the conscience? And why does it matter for us today?

Pastoring through Political Turmoil on Sunday Morning

Publicly Praying for Government Authorities

By Shane Walker | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Why bother praying publicly for politicians? There are so many reasons not to do it. But they’re insufficient. Why? Simply put, because God commands it.

How to Hold Your Tongue About Politics And Thereby Not Split Your Church Over Things the Bible Doesn’t Talk About

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Greg Gilbert offers wisdom on how to hold your tongue about politics.

How to Hold Your Tongue About Politics And Thereby Not Split Your Church Over Things the Bible Doesn’t Talk About: AN ADDENDUM

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

What are some guardrails that can help a pastor navigate political issues, especially in a year like 2020?

Should Pastors Endorse a Candidate?

By Bobby Scott | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

For any pastor troubled by how members of his church may vote in November, instead of using your pulpit to publicly endorse a candidate, perhaps it would be better to patiently disciple your congregation toward Christ-like maturity.

Pastoring through Political Turmoil Out of the Pulpit

Hey Pastor, Has Anyone Ever Told You You’re a Good Listener?

By Dan Miller | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Love leans in and listens well. May God help us so love one another.

Pastoring Amid Suspicion

By Tony Shepherd | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

The current cultural moment is tumultuous, and having honest conversation about polarizing topics is a difficult task for any church. But we must fight suspicion.

Live with Your Church Members in an Understanding Way

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Listening well and loving deeply won’t resolve every political disagreement in your church. It will do something better.

How Love Paves the Way for Hard Conversations

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Hard conversations must happen, but make sure people have no doubt that your motivation is always, always, always love.

“Whatsoever Is True”: Reflecting on the Growth of Conspiracy Theories Among Christians

By Dan Darling | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

You probably have encountered a friend or family member convinced of a conspiracy. Why is this happening? And what should Christians do about it?

Pastoral Wisdom For the Church in Politically Tumultuous Times

“Sir, This Is a Local Church”—Or, How an Absurdist Meme about a Roast Beef Shop Might Help Heal Your Church

By Alex Duke | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

I wonder if you’re familiar with the “Sir, this is an Arby’s” meme. I wonder if you realize how helpful it could be to our churches in these tumultuous times.

Should You Be a Political Activist?

By Brian Davis | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

What’s often missing in our calls to action is charity and freedom.

4 Theological Principles for Christian Political Activism

By Murray Campbell | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

How do I know if my political advocacy is unwise and even ungodly? Here are four theological and pastoral suggestions for why and how Christians can be political activists.

Pastoring in Political Turmoil: International Perspectives

Pastoring Through A Contested Election: A Kenyan Perspective

By Ken Mbugua | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

If there’s ever a time to trust in the sufficiency of God’s Word, it’s in the midst of political turmoil.

Pastoring in Political Turmoil — A Perspective from Lebanon

By Marwan Aboul-Zelof | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Lebanon is a spectacular country with a rich history. Her beauty is even recorded in the Bible. But for several thousand years, she has been plagued with destruction and corruption.

Pastoring Undocumented Workers in Civil Unrest

By Alejandro Molero | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Several years ago, I left Venezuela to plant a Spanish-speaking church in DC. Yet here I am again: different country, similar protests; different reasons, similar chaos spilling onto the streets; different slangs and slurs, same hate-filled hearts.

Pastors Talk

Episode 145: On Preparing for a Tough Political Season (Part 1)

By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark and Jonathan talk about how pastors can prepare their people for a tough political season.

How Love Paves the Way for Hard Conversations (with Garrett Kell)

By G. Kell, J. Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 11.02.2020

Pastors often need to have hard conversations. The best way to prepare people for such conversations is simple—it’s to love them.

Should You Be a Political Activist? (with Brian Davis)

By B. Davis, J. Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 10.30.2020

SHOW NOTES Article: Should You Be a Political Activist?, by Brian Davis Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil

Pastoring Amid Suspicion (with Tony Shepherd)

With Tony Shepherd | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 10.29.2020

Download the free 9Marks Journal Pastoring through Political Turmoil.

Pastoring Through A Contested Election: A Kenyan Perspective (with Ken Mbugua)

By J. Leeman, K. Mbugua | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 10.26.2020

Download the free 9Marks Journal Pastoring through Political Turmoil.

Live with Your Church Members in an Understanding Way (with Michael Lawrence)

By J. Leeman, M. Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 10.20.2020

During tense political seasons, church members need to learn to live with one another in an understanding way. But what does that mean?

Should Pastors Endorse a Candidate? (with Bobby Scott)

By B. Scott, J. Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 10.19.2020

Follow the Journal Talk podcast on iTunes & Spotify. SHOW NOTES Article: Should Pastors Endorse a Candidate?, by Bobby Scott Journal: Pastoring through Political Turmoil — Download in PDF and … keep reading…

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