On the Use and Importance of Corporate Prayer

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.26.2010

Corporate prayer begins to take out the individualistic assumption that Christianity is only about me and my relationship with God.

Prayer in the Life and Ministry of the Pastor

By Mark Dever | 02.26.2010

In times that are hard, we encourage ourselves by praying, remembering that this is ultimately God’s work.

The Preacher and the Text: What is the Goal of the Message?

By Aaron Menikoff | 02.26.2010

The glory of God is the goal of all of life, isn’t it? Is there a goal in preaching that is unique to preaching?

Why Every Pastor-in-Training Should Read Ed’s Book

By Michael Lawrence | 02.26.2010

Fear of man isn’t the only issue pastors face, but it’s a huge one and will have an outsized impact on the faithfulness and shape of their ministry.

Let’s Just Admit It: Church Discipline Is a Tough Subject

By Jonathan Leeman | 02.26.2010

Church discipline is tough because it feels like the opposite of salvation. It feels like anti-salvation.

Pastoral Discipleship: The Urgent Need, the Biblical Mandate, and One Timothy’s Plea

By Owen Strachan | 02.26.2010

Pastors of today can rescue the church of God by responsibly and passionately training young men for the ministry.

The Pursuit of Christ in the Devotions of a Pastor

By Mike Gilbart-Smith | 02.26.2010

A pastor can recognize the necessity of a healthy devotional life, but have unhealthy motives for making sure that it happens.

What Questions Does a Biblical Counselor Suggest We Ask?

By David Powlison | 02.26.2010

In discipling somone, I am doing nothing more than pursuing the same line of questioning and reasoning that I myself need.

1st Mark of a Healthy Church MEMBER: Expositional LISTENING

By Thabiti Anyabwile | 02.26.2010

What we are listening for when the Word is preached is not primarily “practical how-to advice.”

Praying Beyond Health Concerns

By David Powlison | 02.26.2010

Why don’t church members pray beyond the sick list? Often because their pastors have not taught or modeled otherwise.

Plexiglas Preaching

By John MacArthur | 02.26.2010

Whenever anything is substituted for the preaching of the Word, God’s authority is usurped.

Separating Insiders and Outsiders

By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: Miscellaneous Articles | 02.26.2010

How should we evaluate different prescriptions for a successful church? How can we tell what’s good advice and what’s worthy of the so-called circular file?

Doing Seminary Well

By Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 02.26.2010

I want to encourage seminarians to approach their work with reverence, receptivity, realism, and responsibility.

The Emerging Consequences of Whose Ideas?

By Forum | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 02.26.2010

Where are these Emergent guys getting this stuff? Where do their ideas come from?

Give Me Doctrine or Give Me Death

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 02.26.2010

If I want a Christianity that is authentic, real, textured, and alive, can I possibly have that within the narrow constraints of a structured system of doctrine?