The Devotional Life of the Professional Christian

By Mike Gilbart-Smith | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 02.26.2010

Unless we appreciate the importance and the urgency of prayer and meditation on God’s Word, we will leave it until tomorrow.

Let the Word of God Dwell in You Richly

By Michael Lawrence | 02.26.2010

These two lessons have impressed themselves upon me already concerning the preparation of expositional sermon series on a schedule.

What about the confessing Christian who lives like the world?

By Michael Lawrence | 02.26.2010

The free grace that forgives is also a grace that transforms, turning bad trees which produce bad fruit into good trees which produce good fruit.

Do you need a degree to be a pastor?

By Al Mohler | 02.26.2010

Do you need a degree to be a pastor?

Things I’ve Seen and Heard — When Pastors Gather

By Matt Schmucker | 02.26.2010

When the leadership of your church gathers, what typically happens?

Altar Call Evangelism

By Paul Alexander | 02.26.2010

What’s required for salvation isn’t walking an aisle. It’s repentance from sin and belief in Jesus Christ.

32 Principles for Public Prayer

By Ligon Duncan | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

Public prayer should abound in the language of Scripture.

Corporate Aspects of the Lord’s Prayer

By Phil Ryken | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

Since the Lord’s Prayer is a family prayer, we not only pray with one another, we also pray for one another.

Sample Corporate Prayers from December 9, 2007

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

It is to the praise of Christ alone that we pray these things, through him, amen.

Sample Sunday School Class-On Corporate Prayer

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Living As a Church | 02.25.2010

In corporate prayer we show our utter dependence to God as a church.

Sample Corporate Prayers from December 2, 2007

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

We praise you that every blessing we receive from your hand is the overflow of the glories of your character. Amen.

A Biblical Theology of Corporate Prayer

By Jim Hamilton | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

Though we might fail to notice this in our individualized age, the Bible often assumes that God’s people will pray together. What’s significant about that fact?

Recommendations for Improving Public Prayer

By L. Duncan, T. Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

Let us make several recommendations for the improvement of public prayer.

Potential and Pitfalls of Together For The Gospel

By David Doran | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

What’s becoming more obvious to many within Evangelicalism is that not all who claim the label evangelical can do so with any biblical or historical legitimacy.

An Evangelical-Fundamentalist Convergence?

By Ben Wright | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

The Internet has created new opportunities for Fundamentalists and conservative Evangelicals to gain mutual appreciation and understanding.