Sample Sunday School Class-On Corporate Prayer

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Living As a Church | 02.25.2010

In corporate prayer we show our utter dependence to God as a church.

Sample Corporate Prayers from December 2, 2007

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

We praise you that every blessing we receive from your hand is the overflow of the glories of your character. Amen.

A Biblical Theology of Corporate Prayer

By Jim Hamilton | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

Though we might fail to notice this in our individualized age, the Bible often assumes that God’s people will pray together. What’s significant about that fact?

Recommendations for Improving Public Prayer

By L. Duncan, T. Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Corporate Prayer | 02.25.2010

Let us make several recommendations for the improvement of public prayer.

Potential and Pitfalls of Together For The Gospel

By David Doran | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

What’s becoming more obvious to many within Evangelicalism is that not all who claim the label evangelical can do so with any biblical or historical legitimacy.

An Evangelical-Fundamentalist Convergence?

By Ben Wright | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

The Internet has created new opportunities for Fundamentalists and conservative Evangelicals to gain mutual appreciation and understanding.

Did Moses Marry a Black Woman?

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: Race and Ethnicity | 02.25.2010

Where racial intermarriage is disapproved, the culture with money and power will always dominate and always oppress.

Theological Triage

By Al Mohler | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

The entire structure of Christian truth is now under attack by those who would subvert Christianity’s theological integrity.

When, Why, & Where To Draw Boundaries

By Wayne Grudem | 02.25.2010

Why should Christian organizations draw boundaries at all?

Together for What?

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

We are justified by faith alone, but a justifying faith produces Christians who look more and more like the God they worship.

A Senior Saint on Unity

By Iain H. Murray | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

The quest for unity around personalities and preachers . . . is never lasting, although it may seem to have short-lived success.

Fellow Workers For the Truth

By Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

Our love for the gospel is most clear when we delight to see it prosper . . . when other people will be viewed as the human agents of its success.

A Christian Fundamentalist Travel Guide

By Matthew Hoskinson | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 02.25.2010

One must differentiate between fundamentalism as an idea and fundamentalism as a movement.

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves?

By Brad Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: Living As a Church | 02.25.2010

Salvation is of grace, from beginning to end.

Inerrancy of the Bible: An Annotated Bibliography

By Mark Dever | 02.25.2010

Behind the centrality of expositional preaching is the assumption of the authority and truthfulness of God’s Word.