Pastor, Not Entrepreneur, Part 2

By Matt McCullough | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

You can lead a church plant and not be an entrepreneur. But you shouldn’t lead a church plant if you’re not a pastor.

Widows: The Untapped Resource in Your Church

By Keith Collier | 11.07.2023

Don’t just minister to widows; mobilize them. Don’t discount them; deploy them.

Catholicity and the Church Membership Process

By John Sarver | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.06.2023

Meaningful membership upholds glad-hearted catholicity.

Why Not to Plant Churches

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.01.2023

Yes, plant churches. But do so after counting the cost.

When Catholicity Leads to Compromise

By Jonathan Worsley | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.30.2023

For all the good of catholicity, an over-realized catholicity is potentially poisonous.

Powerfully Meek Leaders

By Davy Ellison | 10.27.2023

In our meek Savior we see both restraint and boldness in perfect harmony.

Martin Bucer as a Cooperating Pastor

By Jason Lee | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.26.2023

Against the Reformation’s backdrop of such vehemence and occasional violence, there are also sterling examples of Christian partnership and catholicity.

Lessons Learned from a Church Planter’s Wife

By Jenny Manley | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 10.25.2023

Here are five lessons I have learned in the decade since I first arrived in an unfamiliar city with my husband, who had the task of planting a new church.

Sending Out Future Leaders Strategically

By Matt Rogers | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 10.20.2023

Pastors developing future leaders can help using these seven diagnostic questions.

Church Planting Roundtable: Counting the Cost 

By C. Greggsen, J. Joseph, J. Chatman, T. Ross, W. Forrest, Z. San | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 10.19.2023

Six church planters—national and international—explain how they wish they had counted the cost, which yields counsel for the rest of us.

The Role of Women in Healthy Church Formation

By Madeline Arthington | 10.19.2023

Here are twelve examples of how women can help the church based on Madeline Arthington’s experience in a Central Asian congregation.

Partnering Together to Plant

By Nate Akin | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 10.13.2023

While churches are independent and autonomous, they also are interdependent for the sake of those who don’t know the Lord.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Advice for Members on Church Plants

By John Joseph | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 10.11.2023

Here are four clear reasons why you should consider not joining a new church plant.

Cooperating Under Persecution 

By Paul Plantinga | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.10.2023

I see a strong and growing catholicity among persecuted churches in China that churches in freer environments could learn from.

Pastor, Not Entrepreneur

By Nathan Knight | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 10.06.2023

Emphasizing the acumen of Wall Street and the values of Silicon Valley in what to look for in a planter distracts us from paying attention to the New Testament’s emphases—who a man is.