If You’re Thinking About Leaving a Church . . .

By Mark Dever | 09.30.2014

Do everything within your power to reconcile any broken relationships.

Encourage One Another: Giving Grace with Your Words

By Garrett Kell | 09.24.2014

Encouragement is like oxygen in the life of a church. It keeps hearts beating, minds clear, and hands inspired to serve.

Definitions: Gospel and Persuade

By J. Mack Stiles | 09.19.2014

The gospel is the joyful message from God that leads us to salvation.

College Students and Church Membership

By Dave Russell | 09.17.2014

Should college students join a local church by campus if they have a church membership “back home”?

The Drama of Preaching

By Murray Campbell | 09.11.2014

What are we signifying when we preach the Word of God to God’s people?

How Should We Define Evangelism?

By J. Mack Stiles | 09.05.2014

Evangelism is teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade.

Pastors’ Forum: Evangelism and Discipleship in the Local Church

By A. Duty, D. Furman, E. Bancroft, J. Rinne, J. Smuts, J. Worsley, M. Hoskinson, N. Knight | 09.03.2014

How can a pastor encouarge evangelism and discipleship in the life of the local church?

Mobilizing the Church To Evangelize the College Campus

By Dave Russell | 09.02.2014

We want churches to have an impact on campus, and for the campus to be present in the local church. But how?

Steve Jobs and the Goal of Preaching

By Matt McCullough | 08.28.2014

Jobs said it’s not enough to offer customers what they already think they need. He wanted Apple to be a transformational influence, exposing and then meeting needs that customers didn’t realize they had.

Should I Tell My Spouse about Struggles with Sexual Purity?

By Garrett Kell | 08.28.2014

Regardless of where you land on the spectrum, it is important for husbands and wives to develop a plan to help each other fight sexual temptation.

What Does “First Among Equals” Mean on an Elder Board

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.28.2014

The answer to this question depends on combining both the revealed wisdom that God gives to all of us in his Word and the situation-specific wisdom that he must give individually.

What a New Pastor Doesn’t Know

By Matthew Hoskinson | 08.28.2014

If you’re getting ready to enter a pastorate, you might have your list of changes ready. Can I encourage you to tuck that list away for a while?

Six Principles For Youth Ministry

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.28.2014

Here are a few biblical principles that we should heed no matter what, and my sense is the many youth groups don’t heed them.

Evangelism: Teaching the Gospel with the Aim to Persuade

By J. Mack Stiles | 08.28.2014

Walking an aisle, raising a hand, or even praying a prayer may tell us that evangelism has happened, but such actions are not what evangelism is.

Imagination, Church Reform, and the Art of the Impossible

By Bobby Jamieson | 08.28.2014

Imagination draws the line between what one can and can’t conceive. So we could say that an increasingly biblical imagination involves faith expanding your view of the possible.