Jim Hamilton
Exodus 11–13: On the Presbyterian Exodus and the “Very Great” Podcast Named Bible Talk (Bible Talk, Ep. 25)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.14.2021Bible Talk’s conversations through Exodus finally arrive at the exodus.
Exodus 8–10: On Finding Out There’s Something Rotten in the State of Egypt (Bible Talk, Ep. 24)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.07.2021By the end of Exodus 10, the whole nation of Egypt is covered in total darkness—so much so that “they did not see one another, nor did anyone rise from his place for three days.” It’s as if the people of Egypt were stuck in a grave.
Exodus 5–7: On Slowed-Down Wifi and Waiting in a Two-Hour Line Before Space Mountain (Bible Talk, Ep. 23)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.17.2021By the end of Exodus 7, the Lord has brought the first plague against Egypt. But before we get there, Moses makes us wait.
Exodus 3–4: On Moses Milling about in Midian Until His Momentous Mountain Moment (Bible Talk, Ep. 22)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.10.2021At the beginning of Exodus 3, Moses is milling about in Midian with some sheep. The God shows up in a burning bush and everything changes.
Exodus 1–2: On Moses and the Ark—And Tracking Aslan on the Move (Bible Talk, Ep. 21)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.03.2021Genesis ends with Joseph’s bones in a box in the belly of the beast. Exodus begins with Israel being fruitful and multiplying under the harsh rule of a Pharaoh who knows neither Joseph nor his God.
Genesis 1–50: The Academy Awards Episode (Bible Talk, Ep. 20)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.24.2021Alex Duke hosts the “Academy Awards of Genesis,” in which he gives some superlatives and asks Jim and Sam to look back and reflect on what they’ve learned as they’ve walked slowly through Moses’ masterpiece.
Genesis 48–50: On Genesis Fading to Black, Like the Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Bible Talk, Ep. 19)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.17.2021In chapters 48–50, Genesis finally fades to black . . . very, very slowly.
Genesis 46–47: On “Rosebud,” Clunky Portmanteaus, and—At Last!—the Reunion of Father and Son (Bible Talk, Ep. 18)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.10.2021At long last, Jacob reunites with Joseph, his beloved son. And then Jacob makes one final request before he dies . . .
Genesis 44–45: On the Shift from Fratricide to Forgiveness, Famine to Feast (Bible Talk, Ep. 17)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.03.2021Finally! Joseph tells his brothers who he is.
Matthew 1–2: On The Virgin Mary, a Hail Mary, and Casper the Friendly Ghost (A Special Christmas Episode)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 12.21.2020To be sure, the Old Testament prophesies the birth of Jesus. But that may not mean what you think it means . . .
Genesis 42–43: On Joseph’s Brilliant, Premeditated-ish Plan for His Bowed-Down Brothers (Bible Talk, Ep. 15)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 12.16.2020In Genesis 42–43, Joseph has a brilliant plan to see if his brothers have been humbled, or if they’re still as wicked as they were when they threw him into a well and sold him into slavery.
Genesis 40–41: On Joseph’s Rise from “Gen Pop“ to the Second in Command (Bible Talk, Ep. 14)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 12.09.2020At the beginning of Genesis 40, Joseph is living in the belly of the beast: an Egyptian prison. By the end of Genesis 41, he’s Pharaoh‘s second-in-command. But no matter his station, God’s favor remains on Joseph.
Genesis 37–39: On Being Like Joseph and Not Being Like Judah—At Least Not Yet (Bible Talk, Ep. 13)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 12.02.2020Joseph’s story resolves every major plot-line of Genesis, proving that Moses is a “literary genius,” as Jim puts it.
Genesis 34–36: On Dinah’s Defiling, Jacob’s Sons’ War Crimes, and Other Things That Ought Not Be Done in Israel (Bible Talk, Ep. 12)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 11.25.2020These chapters of Genesis cover some dark terrain, things that ought not be done in Israel (34:7). What’s God up to in Genesis 34–36?
Genesis 32–33: On Jacob’s Rumbling Reconciliation with Esau and a Main Event Even Better Than WrestleMania III’s (Bible Talk, Ep. 11)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 11.18.2020In Genesis 32–33, Jacob has two life-altering confrontations—one with the angel of God, and one with the adversary of his lifetime: Esau, his brother. What happens in each will surprise you.