Sean DeMars
So, You Want to Be a Pastor?
By Sean DeMars | 03.08.2023Here is my appeal to the aspiring pastor: brother, count the cost.
Can You Reverse Engineer Revival?
By Sean DeMars | 9Marks Journal: Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism | 06.14.2022We must labor to excel in establishing the necessary conditions for revival, all while remembering that our triune God has predetermined the sufficient conditions for revival in eternity past.
The Prosperity Gospel Loves God’s Gifts, But Ignores God Himself
By M. McKinley, S. DeMars | 04.14.2022When you see a church or ministry that talks about God’s gifts but spends relatively little time talking about God’s character or our need to respond to him in repentance and faith, then you can be pretty sure you’re dealing with the prosperity gospel.
Episode 203: On The Prosperity Gospel (with Sean DeMars and Mike McKinley)
By J. Leeman, M. Dever, M. McKinley, S. DeMars | 04.12.2022The prosperity gospel is wicked. It leads people on a path toward destruction. It lures people into a false sense of security.
3 Reasons You Should Preach through 2 John
By Sean DeMars | 01.27.2021The little books of the Bible like 2 John often get neglected, don’t they? But they shouldn’t.
What Does 2 John Have to Teach Us about Partnering with False Teachers?
By Sean DeMars | 10.18.2019We must not align ourselves with false teachers, apostate churches, or any of their ministries in any way that will confuse people about the truth of the gospel and the identity of Jesus.
Mailbag #84: I Live too Far from A Healthy Church. What Should I Do? . . . Among Baptists, What’s the History of a Plurality of Elders?
By S. Emadi, S. DeMars | 05.31.2019— I live in an extremely rural area where we have many churches but none that are healthy. What should I do? — Many Baptist churches now have multiple elders. I understand the biblical case for this, but what’s the history of a plurality of elders among Baptists?
Episode 88: On the Prosperity Gospel (with Sean Demars & Greg Gilbert)
By G. Gilbert, J. Leeman, M. Dever, S. DeMars | 05.21.2019The prosperity gospel is evil, and it’s spreading across the globe like wildfire.
Preacher, Study the Text—But Also Study Your People
By Sean DeMars | 11.05.2018A preacher who studies the text but not his people is missing out on clearer application and more nuanced communication.
Book Review: The Art of Turning, by Kevin DeYoung
Review by Sean DeMars | 08.28.2017Christians need to think more clearly about our innate moral calibration mechanism, and I’m confident this little book will help us do just that.
Dear Wormwood . . .
By Sean DeMars | 04.24.2017I’m writing to you today because we’re concerned to see a steadily growing trend in America. It’s called “revitalization.”
Folding Singles into Family in the Life of the Church
By Sean DeMars | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017How are the families in your church are doing at loving single people? Do they strive to fold single people into their lives?
Church Membership and Prescriptive Implication
By Sean DeMars | 03.16.2017How can I say Christians ought to do something if the Bible doesn’t explicitly say that they should?
Do You Know What Your Missionaries Actually Teach?!
By Sean DeMars | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.15.2014Love the gospel, protect it, and guard it. And for the love of all things good and holy, please stop sending missionaries if they don’t.
A “Gospel” that Almost Killed Me
By Sean DeMars | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.14.2014Jesus saved me from the prosperity gospel, and he can and will save more.