Shawn Wright

“The Word Did It All”: The Necessity of Preaching According to the Protestant Reformers

By Shawn Wright | 9Marks Journal: The Ordinary Means of Grace—Or, Don’t Do Weird Stuff | 07.26.2021

In the Reformation, the Word did it all. Five hundred years from now, may that be said of your ministry and mine.

What Your Church Members Should Know About the Reformation

By Shawn Wright | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

A brief overview of important, Reformation-related people and events.

The Case Against the Senior Pastor

By Shawn Wright | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2 | 08.29.2011

I’m hesitant to say that a church should formally recognize one elder as the senior elder.

Should you use the 1689 London Confession in your church?

By Shawn Wright | 03.01.2010

Should you use the 1689 London Confession as your church’s statement of faith? No, for at least three reasons . . .

Are brief, general statements of faith harmful or helpful?

By Shawn Wright | 03.01.2010

A statement of faith must be complete enough to mark out the doctrinal parameters of the church, without being so precise that it excludes persons unnecessarily.