On Congregational Singing (Pastors Talk, Ep. 257)

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In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about congregational singing in a local church.

  • Why do Christians sing?
  • What kinds of songs should we sing at church?
  • What is congregational singing?
  • What does Colossians 3:16 mean?
  • How can I help my church to sing?


Related Resources:

Podcast: On Singing, with John Piper, Music for the Church: Mark Dever Interviews Keith Getty

Journal: The Church Singing

Articles: Why We Sing by Jonathan Leeman, My Congregation Barely Sings; How Can I Help? by Jonathan Leeman, In Praise of Low-Budget, Non-Professional Music Ministries by Mark Dever, Sing to One Another by Matt Boswell



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