Book Review: Empires of Dirt, by Douglas Wilson

Review by Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.27.2023

Precisely here is where theonomy is in danger of becoming a new legalism: demanding of the church what Jesus does not demand and what the church cannot in any case do.

Book Review: God Redeeming His Bride, by Robert K. Cheong

Review by Shawn Merithew | 03.10.2023

Cheong demonstrates that discipline is an exercise of gospel love that is essential to the identity and mission of Christ’s bride.

Book Review: From Prisoner to Prince, by Samuel Emadi

Review by Trent Hunter | 02.24.2023

Emadi has put his hand to the textual plough to combine his own exegesis with the best insights of others for a compelling case for Joseph’s typological function—what we all sensed but needed a scholar to demonstrate.

Book Review: Pastoral Visitation, by Tyler C. Arnold

Review by Brian Davis | 02.22.2023

Christ has already broken into our world so that we stay seated in the presence of God abidingly. Therefore, pastoral visitations are not a way for people to be brought into the presence of God, but rather a context to grow their understanding of being in Christ.

Book Review: Shepherding the Pastor, by Phil A. Newton & Rich C. Shadden

Review by Jeremy Leong | 02.10.2023

‘Shepherding the Pastor’ is a wonderful addition to the bookshelf of any young pastor, as well as anyone considering pastoral ministry.

Book Review: Pastoral Friendship, by Michael A. G. Haykin, Brian Croft & James B. Carroll

Review by Drew Hunter | 01.30.2023

“Pastor-to-pastor friendship” is a gift to pursue and enjoy for the sake of our souls, our churches, and a sustained and flourishing ministry.

Book Review: Spurgeon the Pastor, by Geoff Chang

Review by Liam Garvie | 01.27.2023

What kind of pastor was Spurgeon? How did he spend his time? Geoff Chang went trawling through the minutes of Met Tab meetings and wrote this book, an insight into the functional outworking of Spurgeon’s ecclesiology.

Book Review: Gospel-Driven Change, by Paul Watts

Review by Harry Fujiwara | 01.25.2023

In ‘Gospel-Driven Change’, Paul Watts comes alongside his reader as the seasoned, older pastor. Any younger pastor will learn from his experience.

Book Review: Succession, by Bryant Wright

Review by David Gough | 01.23.2023

A retired pastor who’s had to prepare his ministry for the next leader reviews the book ‘Succession: Preparing Your Ministry for the Next Leader’.

Book Review: Biblical Preaching, by Haddon W. Robinson

Review by Kevin DeYoung | 01.19.2023

Kevin DeYoung reviews his former preaching professor Haddon Robinson’s renown textbook ‘Biblical Preaching’.

Book Review: The Flourishing Pastor, by Tom Nelson

Review by Vergil Brown | 01.16.2023

Tom Nelson’s book ‘The Flourishing Pastor’ is a helpful diagnostic tool for church leaders. It’s like a thorough examination at a doctor’s office; it’s good for you, but it may also make you uncomfortable at times and reveal some trouble spots.

Book Review: Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church, by Donald S. Whitney

Review by Mark Redfern | 01.11.2023

Whitney supplies the reader with spiritual disciplines for within the church and why such disciplines are essential to a true pursuit of God.

Book Review: Workers for Your Joy, by David Mathis

Review by Aaron Menikoff | 01.09.2023

It’s far too easy to wait for a crisis to pay attention to your pastor. Mathis shows us a better way.

Book Review: Counseling Women, by Kristin L. Kellen

Review by Hayley Satrom | 01.06.2023

Kellen provides a biblical framework for coming alongside women in need, as well as practical counseling advice derived from years of experience.

Book Review: Celebrities for Jesus, by Katelyn Beaty

Review by Samuel D. James | 01.05.2023

Books like ‘Celebrities for Jesus’ are needed wake-up calls to the deceitfulness of riches and the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus over any earthly gain.