The Sunday Before the 95 Theses

By Stephen Nichols | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

I hear there is a friar in the town of Wittenberg, a Brother Martin. Maybe he will help us.

The Reformation and the Glory of God

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Our salvation could never be merited so that the entire transaction would culminate soli Deo Gloria—to the glory of God alone.

How the Reformers Rediscovered the Holy Spirit and True Conversion

By Sinclair Ferguson | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

The Reformation featured a rediscovery of the Holy Spirit.

Wise Men are Men, and Truth is Truth

By Brad Littlejohn | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

How do we cope with the legacy of such flawed heroes?

Connecting the Church and the Gospel: A Reformation Perspective

By Michael Horton | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Despite varying emphases of different traditions, the ecclesiological presuppositions of the Reformation reflect distinct convictions concerning the gospel message.

Should Pastors Today Care about the Reformation?

By D. A. Carson | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Pastors devoted to their ministry have so many things to do. So why should they care about the Reformation?

What Role Did Expositional Preaching Play in the Reformation?

By Michael Reeves | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Almost certainly, the most striking practical change at the time of the Reformation was the rise of expository preaching in local churches.

Martin Luther: Reformer of Pastoral Counseling

By Bob Kellemen | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Luther the pastor and shepherd inspired Luther the reformer.

Is the Reformation Just a White Man’s Legacy?: How the Reformation Addresses Social Exploitation

By Mika Edmonson | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

For many Christians, the Reformation has nothing substantial to say to racial and economic injustices. Are they wrong?

The Reformation’s Restoration of the Sacraments

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century restored the gospel to the sacraments and the sacraments to the congregation.

Two Views on Church Discipline: Protestant vs. Roman Catholic

By Jeremy Kimble | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

How does a Protestant understanding of church discipline differ from Roman Catholicism’s?

What Your Church Members Should Know About the Reformation

By Shawn Wright | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

A brief overview of important, Reformation-related people and events.

Did the Reformation Recover the Great Commission?

By Michael A. G. Haykin | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

It’s well known that the Reformation entailed a recovery of core doctrines regarding salvation and worship. Did it also involve a recovery of the Great Commission?

Two Views on Church Authority: Protestant vs. Roman Catholic

By Gregg R. Allison | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Think of a three-legged stool. Now imaginatively label one of those legs “Scripture,” label the second leg “Tradition,” and label the third leg “Magisterium.”

A Brief Look at John Calvin on Imputation

By Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Calvin summarizes well the Protestant doctrine of imputation, a doctrine which has continued to be a great comfort and strength for believers and for those who are heirs of the Reformation.