Cooperating Under Persecution 

By Paul Plantinga | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.10.2023

I see a strong and growing catholicity among persecuted churches in China that churches in freer environments could learn from.

Pastor, Not Entrepreneur

By Nathan Knight | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 10.06.2023

Emphasizing the acumen of Wall Street and the values of Silicon Valley in what to look for in a planter distracts us from paying attention to the New Testament’s emphases—who a man is.

Book Review: The Shepherd Leader at Home, by Timothy Z. Witmer

By Paul Alexander | 10.05.2023

Tim Witmer’s book is timely; but it’s not social critique or theological treatise. It’s simple, practical, Christian wisdom, rooted in biblical truth and love.

How Catholicity Compels Missions

By J. Kelly, J. Bowman | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 10.04.2023

Catholicity is not only an anchor to help the church remain faithful to the apostolic faith, but it also provides a theological basis for global missions.

What Is Catholicity and What Does It Require?  

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.29.2023

What do our churches mean by “catholic” when we recite the Nicene creed (381) and declare our belief in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church?

Are Ecclesiological Convictions and Catholic Affirmations Mutually Exclusive?

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.25.2023

The charge of anti-catholicity, when used to critique ecclesial convictions, evinces an inadequate understanding of catholicity.

Ecclesiological Triage

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.19.2023

How do we decide when and to what extent to cooperate with churches that are more or less like-minded?

Fundamentalism May Feel Safe, But It’s Shortsighted

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.11.2023

A narrow fundamentalism blinds us to healthy catholicity and theological error due to pride in a sterile, tightly-packaged belief system.

A Catholic Church

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.05.2023

The church’s catholicity is the simple acknowledgement that the church is not confined to any one place or people.

How Catholicity Promotes Church-Centered Missions

By Ryan Robertson | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.28.2023

How can pastors encourage their congregations to appreciate ecclesiological distinctives without discarding a spirit of catholicity?

Pastors and Social Media

By Samuel D. James | 08.24.2023

When pastors log on to social media and berate others relentlessly, post incessantly, or communicate inappropriately, it is very likely that red flags were visible before the point of crisis.

Single Assembly: Advancing the Gospel by Investing in Other Churches

By Alex Arrell | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.21.2023

The implication of multi-site/service models is that the best way for the lost in your town, city, or country to hear the gospel is the expansion of one particular empire.

Spurgeon on Building a Culture of Evangelism

By Geoff Chang | 08.17.2023

As effective of an evangelistic preacher as C. H. Spurgeon was, he knew that he could not evangelize his community alone. He needed his congregation alongside him.

The Internet and Christian Catholicity

By Samuel D. James | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.14.2023

Every Christian, church, and pastor lives in a specific context. It’s increasingly difficult to remember our particularity in the digital age.

Give Members Permission to Leave Your Church

By Juan Sanchez | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 08.10.2023

Once we learn to hold on to our members loosely, assuming they are joining another gospel-preaching church, we will begin to enjoy the benefits of leading some to flourish elsewhere, blessing other churches as a result.