Andy Naselli

Episode 130: On How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics (with Andy Naselli)

By A. Naselli, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 06.02.2020

Conversations about politics are often emotionally charged. We disagree because our consciences are calibrated differently. So how can we still love each other?

Five Reflections on Pastoral Disagreements

By Andy Naselli | 05.28.2020

When you and your fellow pastors don’t think unanimously about a practical shepherding issue, you should disagree with your fellow pastors with love and respect and without any anger or bitterness.

Pastoring in a Pandemic, Episode 16: COVID-19 & The Crisis of Christian Conscience (with Andy Naselli)

By A. Naselli, J. Leeman | 05.25.2020

COVID-19 has presented a host of issues over which well-meaning Christians will disagree. Moving forward, our churches need to be filled with humble Christians who have biblical understanding of the conscience. Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli discuss.

Book Review: Eve in Exile, by Rebekah Merkle

Review by Andy Naselli | 01.30.2020

Eve in Exile is a timely, wise, witty, and motivating analysis of biblical womanhood and complementarianism.

12 Principles on How to Disagree with Other Christians

By A. Naselli, J. D. Crowley | 07.10.2017

It matters how you treat those who disagree with you on disputable matters. When you welcome them as Christ has welcomed you, you glorify God.

Book Review: The Community of Jesus, ed. by Christopher Morgan and Kendell Easley

Review by Andy Naselli | 10.30.2014

This book wrestles with the key texts on the people of God throughout Scripture, shrewdly synthesizes the themes, and warmly applies it to God’s people today.

How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?

By A. Naselli, J. Leeman

This booklet offers six practical recommendations for Christians who are divided on political issues. Authors Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli propose that Christians should learn how to disagree on many … keep reading…

Hellfire and Brimstone: Interpreting the New Testament’s Descriptions of Hell

By Andy Naselli | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

So when the Bible speaks of hell-fire, woe to us if we say, “It’s only a symbol.” If it is a symbol at all, it means the reality is worse than fire, not better.

Book Review: Promise Unfulfilled, by Rolland D. McCune

Review by Andy Naselli | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 03.02.2010

Despite the disproportionate space given to them, the alleged weaknesses are relatively peripheral to McCune’s thesis, which he argues convincingly.