
Pastor’s Forum: Can You Reverse-Engineer a Multi-Ethnic Church?

By A. Davis, G. Gilbert, J. Onwuchekwa | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Can you manufacture a multi-ethnic church programmatically, pragmatically, or consumeristically?

How Do We Respond to Cultural Crises Over Race?

By Brian Davis | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

There are few responses to hurting more hurtful than silence.

5 Steps to Racial Peace-Making

By Russ Whitfield | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

It’s not magic, it’s discipleship.

Being Asian American in a White Church

By Tim Chiang | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

There is no singular Asian-American experience. But for many, navigating the differences between their two cultures brings about difficulty—even in the church.

Why White Churches Are Hard for Black People

By Isaac Adams | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

These aren’t true for every white church or for every black person, but the hope is that they lead to graceful and authentic conversation, to prayer, to action, and to joy in our Lord.

One Example of Reaching Your Multi-Ethnic Neighbors

By Juan Sanchez | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Once one understands the place of the local church in God’s eternal plan, it’s worth re-thinking both ethnic-language church planting and ethnic-language ministry in general.

Book Review: United by Faith, by Curtiss Paul DeYoung, et al

Review by Russ Whitfield | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Though it leaves much to be desired in terms of theological depth, United By Faith is a very welcomed contribution and a worthy read, particularly for American Christians.

Book Review: The Juvenilization of American Christianity and From Here to Maturity, by Thomas E. Bergler

Review by Guy Prentiss Waters | 09.16.2015

Christianity—and, in particular, Christian churches—have been unduly influenced by the youth culture. Is there a cure for this problem?

Book Review: The Accidental Feminist, by Courtney Reissig

Review by E. Bratcher | 09.08.2015

This book helpful addresses these questions: Can God be trusted? Can God’s design and purpose for you be the most fulfilling thing in your life? Is God’s Word really that trustworthy and authoritative?

Mailbag #14: Discipling without “Picking Favorites”; Tricky Baptism Situation; Churches and Name Changes; Numerical Growth v. Spiritual Growth

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.31.2015

—How do I encourage people to not “play favorites” with their discipling relationships? —How do I think through this tricky baptism situation? —Must churches have the word “church” in their names? —Is very little numerical growth okay if spiritual growth is taking place?

Mailbag #13: Baptism before Communion; Moderating Members’ Meetings; Cooperating with Other Churches in Church Discipline; How to Transition to Elders and Deacons

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.24.2015

—Is the Lord’s Supper only for those who have been baptized? —Who should moderate members’ meetings? —What do you do when someone wants to join your church, but they’ve been disciplined by another church? —How does a church transition to elders and deacons?

When Do You Stop Counseling?

By Deepak Reju | 08.20.2015

When to end counseling is always a judgment call that requires a lot of wisdom. The decision to bring the counseling process to a close is sometimes clear, but often not.

Mailbag #12: Training Bible Teachers; Attending a Wedding Between Professing Christian and a Muslim; Thoughts on “Re-Baptisms”; My Pastor Never Reads his Sermon Text

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.17.2015

—How can our church train Bible teachers? —My friend says she’s a Christian, yet is marrying a Muslim. Should I attend the wedding? —What do you think about “re-baptisms”? —My pastor never reads his sermon text. Is that problematic?

Book Review: Disciple Making Is . . ., by Dave Earley and Rod Dempsey

Review by Adam Embry | 08.12.2015

Earley and Dempsey offer a helpful book on discipleship that will excite and challenge church leaders to obey Jesus Christ and be on mission in fulfilling his Great Commission.

Mailbag #11—Why “Disowning” Family Members Isn’t an Option; Term Limits for Elders; Expedited Church Discipline; Can I Leave My Family’s Church?

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.07.2015

—How should I treat my unrepentant father-in-law? —Should elders have term limits? —Is there ever a case where church discipline should be done immediately? —Can I leave the church I grew up in?