Book Review: Bloodlines, by John Piper

Review by H. B. Charles | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

This is a wise, clear, and faithful treatment of racial ethnicity and biblical Christianity that should be read widely.

Being Asian American in a White Church

By Tim Chiang | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

There is no singular Asian-American experience. But for many, navigating the differences between their two cultures brings about difficulty—even in the church.

Why White Churches Are Hard for Black People

By Isaac Adams | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

These aren’t true for every white church or for every black person, but the hope is that they lead to graceful and authentic conversation, to prayer, to action, and to joy in our Lord.

Racism as Favoritism

By Trillia Newbell | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Find freedom from anxiety and fear, and celebrate the unifying, favoritism-destroying power of the gospel.

Lessons Learned from South Africa about Multi-Ethnicity in Churches

By Gustav Pritchard | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Here are 7 suggestions for pastors so that they might shepherd God’s flock more faithfully in light of the diversity of his sheep.

Book Review: United by Faith, by Curtiss Paul DeYoung, et al

Review by Russ Whitfield | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Though it leaves much to be desired in terms of theological depth, United By Faith is a very welcomed contribution and a worthy read, particularly for American Christians.

Does the Asian-American Church Need an Adjusted Gospel?

By Jeffrey K. Jue | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Many say, “The ‘white Western gospel’ needs to be adjusted, or it will become obsolete.” Can this possibly be true?

Helping Asian Churches Become Multi-Ethnic

By Patrick Cho | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

How can a church with a particular ethnic identity strive to become more multiethnic? Here are eight principles to consider.

Don’t Be Color-Blind at Church

By Isaac Adams | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Christians should be both colorblind and color-conscious. Why? Because that’s what God is like.

Why the Race Conversation Is So Hard

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.24.2015

The race conversation is so hard, but shouldn’t our churches be the first places on the planet where we talk about these things, and listen to one another?

Book Review: Reviving the Black Church, by Thabiti Anyabwile

Review by Jemar Tisby | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.23.2015

In this book, Thabiti Anyabwile diagnoses the state of the Black church and prescribes medicine from the Scriptures

Book Review: The Accidental Feminist, by Courtney Reissig

Review by E. Bratcher | 09.08.2015

This book helpful addresses these questions: Can God be trusted? Can God’s design and purpose for you be the most fulfilling thing in your life? Is God’s Word really that trustworthy and authoritative?

Book Review: Guaranteed Pure, by Timothy Gloege

Review by Jonathan Baer | 09.04.2015

Timothy Gloege’s history of Moody Bible Institute (MBI) from the 1880s through the 1920s, Guaranteed Pure, makes a signal contribution to the challenge of delineating modern evangelicalism.

Mailbag #12: Training Bible Teachers; Attending a Wedding Between Professing Christian and a Muslim; Thoughts on “Re-Baptisms”; My Pastor Never Reads his Sermon Text

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.17.2015

—How can our church train Bible teachers? —My friend says she’s a Christian, yet is marrying a Muslim. Should I attend the wedding? —What do you think about “re-baptisms”? —My pastor never reads his sermon text. Is that problematic?

Book Review: Disciple Making Is . . ., by Dave Earley and Rod Dempsey

Review by Adam Embry | 08.12.2015

Earley and Dempsey offer a helpful book on discipleship that will excite and challenge church leaders to obey Jesus Christ and be on mission in fulfilling his Great Commission.