Prayer – Session 5 | 9Marks at Southeastern 2019

9Marks | 09.16.2019
9Marks at Southeastern 2019

Prayer – Session 5 | 9Marks at Southeastern 2019

9Marks | 09.16.2019
9Marks at Southeastern 2019

Prayer – Session 4 | 9Marks at Southeastern 2019

9Marks | 09.16.2019
9Marks at Southeastern 2019

Prayer – Session 3 | 9Marks at Southeastern 2019

9Marks | 09.16.2019
9Marks at Southeastern 2019

Prayer – Panel 1 | 9Marks at Southeastern 2019

9Marks | 09.16.2019
Pastoring in a City Full of Mega-Churches

Pastoring in a City Full of Mega-Churches

By Aaron Menikoff | 09.12.2019

Why is pastoring in a city full of mega-churches both a blessing and a challenge? Aaron Menikoff explains.

What is pastoral authority & how to steward it? - Juan Sanchez

What is pastoral authority and how can we steward it?

By Juan Sanchez | 09.04.2019

Pastoral authority is derived from God, it’s rooted in his Word, and it should be shared among a plurality of elders.

Jamie Dunlop Budgeting for Healthy Churches

8 Lessons about Church Budgets

By Jamie Dunlop | 08.28.2019

The overarching goal of a church budget is faithfulness, not funds.

How a philosophy of ministry clarifies the doctrine of the conversion

Your Understanding of Salvation should Shape your Philosophy of Ministry

By Michael Lawrence | 08.14.2019

If you believe God is totally sovereign in conversion, then that should affect your philosophy of ministry—how you preach, how you evangelize, and even how you structure your membership process.

Church-planting is a church responsibility

Church-planting is a church responsibility

By Mike McKinley | 07.31.2019

The apostles responded to the Great Commission by planting churches. And so should we.

Trading the Reformed Legacy for Liberalism

What does the Reformation’s legacy look like today in Switzerland?

By Christian Schmidt | 07.17.2019

Switzerland was once the birthplace of the Reformation. But what happens when we trade this legacy for liberalism? Swiss church leader Christian Schmidt explains.

The Value of Expositional Preaching in an International Context

The Value of Expositional Preaching in an International Context

By J. Mack Stiles | 07.11.2019

When Mack Stiles became the pastor of a church in Iraq, he decided to preach through the entire book of 1 Corinthians. Here, he explains the value of expositional preaching in an international context.

Healthy Churches Are the Antidote to the Prosperity Gospel

Healthy Churches Are the Antidote to the Prosperity Gospel

By Ken Mbugua | 07.03.2019

Those duped by the prosperity gospel don’t just need arguments against the texts they misunderstand. They need healthy churches that explain to them the entire revelation of God, and how that narrative is working toward something quite glorious.

Preach a Sermon, Not a Self-Help Talk

Preach a Sermon, Not a Self-Help Talk

By Erik Raymond | 06.26.2019

If we leave off the gospel in our sermons and only preach moral imperatives, then we reduce our message to moralism.

Why is it so important for pastors to cultivate humility?

Why is it so important for pastors to cultivate humility?

By Jeramie Rinne | 06.12.2019

Humility is critical for pastors because leadership means our weaknesses are just as visible as our strengths. Humility shapes how we react to criticism.

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