Search Results

Congregationalism for a Church Plant in a Confucian Culture

By Paul Luo | 07.26.2023

Congregationalism is not only applicable for starting a church in the Confucian context but also beneficial for the long-term health of churches in East Asia.

Book Review: The Shepherd’s Toolbox, by Timothy Z. Witmer

Review by Phil Newton | 07.05.2023

‘The Shepherd’s Toolbox’ gives practical counsel for “obstacles facing those who are committed to shepherding their flocks.”

A Few Ways Pastors’ Wives Serve Their Husbands

By 9Marks | 06.07.2023

We asked a number of pastors not about everything their wives might do in the church, but how their wives serve them in the ministry.

Book Review: A Praying Church, by Paul E. Miller

Review by Gary Millar | 06.02.2023

Miller mounts a convincing case that we really should be praying more and differently, and offers all kinds of pathways into change, which is a deeply valuable contribution.

What Authority Has God Given to Governments?

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.29.2023

The government’s job description: To administer the justice requisite for protecting human life, secure the conditions necessary for fulfilling the dominion mandate, and provide a platform for God’s people to declare God’s perfect judgment and salvation.

Book Review: Biblical Preaching, by Haddon W. Robinson

Review by Kevin DeYoung | 01.19.2023

Kevin DeYoung reviews his former preaching professor Haddon Robinson’s renown textbook ‘Biblical Preaching’.

A Foolproof Discipling Program: Corporate Worship

By John Sarver | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

The Sunday gathering is the primary discipler of a local congregation because of what it proclaims and the pattern it sets.

Why an Elder Should Oversee the Bookstall

By Josh Manley | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

When your church’s bookstall overseer isn’t feeding the sheep healthy food, they’re working against the digestion of the church’s entire teaching ministry.

Spotting, Assessing, and Training Leaders for Church Ministries

By Joel Kurz | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

We need to find and train leaders. But how?

Catering to Ministry Consumers

By Josh Hayward | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

What you feed people with is what they’ll continue to hunger for.

Why Pastors Should Oversee Women’s Ministry

By Camryn Zamora | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

When our pastors oversee women’s ministry, it doesn’t indicate distrust, but rather that when the wolves attack, the shepherds will bear the brunt, not the sheep.

Our Main Goals for Youth Ministry

By Deepak Reju | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

Foster a culture of discipling with the teenagers. Build a bridge from the rest of the church into their lives.

How to Encourage Women’s Discipling

By Madison Hetzler | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

Let what happens on Sunday spill over into the rest of the week. Share a church pew, then start sharing dinner tables, sidewalks, and car rides.

The Empty Promises of a Busy Schedule

By Justin Perdue | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

A busy ministry calendar can distract and exhaust the saints more than it establishes them in the faith and furthers the church’s mission.

Book Review: Build on Jesus, by Deepak Reju & Marty Machowski

Review by Connie Dever | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.07.2022

‘Build on Jesus’ is a book that can help you build tomorrow’s healthy church today.