Why a Church Constitution Is More Than a Necessary Evil

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Once you’re in a leadership position, it becomes clear pretty fast that solid rules aren’t a necessary evil at all; they’re an indispensable weapon for safeguarding the unity of the church.

How a Lack of Trellis Undermines Ministry

By Jonathan Rourke | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Does the Bible have much to say about church structure? In short, yes!

How to Have a Well-Run Elders’ Meeting

By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

What can we do to make elders’ meetings excellent?

How To Use a Care List in Elders’ and Members’ Meetings

By Alex Bloomfield | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

A care list engages the whole church in both corrective discipline and caring for the weak.

LGBTQ+ Policies: What Do We Do about Youth Group?

By Zach Carter | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Increasingly, pastors will be asked to make complex moral decisions related to LGBTQ+ issues. Policies delegate the decision-making process, creating more time for pastors to exhort, instruct, and disciple individuals on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Sabbaticals for the Shepherds

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Pastors should take regular sabbaticals and plan them well.

Sample Constitution and Elder Meeting Bylaws

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

3ABC Constitution  Since it pleased Almighty God, by His Holy Spirit, to call certain of His servants to unite here in 1894 under the name [NAME OF CHURCH] of [CITY, … keep reading…

What Job Titles Should Churches Use? Two Simple Rules

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.23.2022

Our church structures and job titles should conform to biblical patterns. These patterns are a blessing, not a burden.

Pastors Teach

By David Mathis | 09.14.2022

We need men who are eager to teach. Not just men willing to have their arm bent once in a while to fill a slot.

It Takes a Christian Village

By Blair Linne | 09.12.2022

“To pull the metal splinter from my palm my father recited a story in a low voice. I watched his lovely face and not the blade. Before the story ended, … keep reading…

What Makes a Good Hymn?

By David and Barbara Leeman | 09.09.2022

Erik Routley, a renowned British hymnologist in the 1950s, routinely said a good hymn should be “well-written, well-chosen, and well-sung.”

Treasuring the Trail of Translation: Why Read the Greek New Testament Before You Teach the English One

By Matt Sliger | 09.06.2022

If you’ve been taught the language, read the Greek New Testament before you teach the English one. And if you haven’t been taught the language, attempt to learn it for four reasons.

The Fruit Grown in a Flock by Pastoral Encouragement

By Bob Johnson | 09.02.2022

Encouragement is incredibly attractive. It’s a godly grace that reinforces gospel fruit. Younger pastors may not realize how important it is.

Only Use Authority in the Fear of God

By Mark Dever | 08.29.2022

Is all authority abusive? Is all authority—by virtue of one person having power over another person—in its very nature, abusive?

The Church: Universal and Local

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.25.2022

Christians throughout history have sometimes emphasized the local or the universal church to the neglect of the other, but a biblical posture emphasizes both.