Evaluating How an Elder Is Ruling

By Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

How do you conduct a job performance review for the elders (particularly the paid staff elders)? In other words, how do you determine if an elder is “ruling well”?

Why Clear Job Descriptions and Staff Structures Serve the Church

By Ryan Townsend | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Job descriptions and a clear org chart or staff structure are essential tools for organizational excellence and faithful management.

Why Pastors Should Submit to Each Other

By Jeff Wiesner | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Fellow elders and founding documents guard a senior pastor against the pride of authoritarianism.

Are Buildings Essential to Healthy Churches?

By Adam Sinnett | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Does lacking a building put a church at a disadvantage?

The Benefits of Having a Building

By Benjamin Woodward | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Church buildings are beneficial because they maximize Word ministry, provide stability long-term, are a public witness to the gospel, and help the church better steward its money.

What to Do When Your Building Is Full

By G. Gilbert, M. Carnicella | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

When you start to have more attendees than seats, you have other options than adding another service.

A Theological Framework for Buildings and Renovations

By John Henderson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Behind our theology of church property is our theology of all created things. They are gifts from the Lord that may be used rightly or wrongly, for the glory of Christ or the glory of mankind.

How to Talk with Your Church about Money

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Let’s see how the apostle Paul discussed money, and then apply his approach to scenarios you may find yourself in.

Handling Your Church’s Finances with Transparency and Integrity

By Jenny Terry | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Churches are called to imitate the integrity of Christ by handling their finances with transparency, accountability, and moderation.

Who Should Know How Much Everyone Makes?

By Jason Read | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

When considering whether to share salary information with the whole church or one inquisitive member, try to process that question with two goals: build ownership and maintain unity.

Preparing Pastors for Retirement

By Brad Thayer | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Healthy churches can proactively plan for and financially invest in their pastor’s retirement as a way to encourage his longevity.

How Much Should We Pay Our Staff?

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Generosity and trust should inform how much churches pay their staff.

Addressing Staff Salary Discrepancies

By Dennis Blythe | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

What do we do when there seems to be a discrepancy in our staff salary structure?

Advocating for Your Own Pay

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Pastors should be able to advocate for their own pay if necessary, but prayerfully and carefully.

Principles for a Benevolence Policy That Is Both Merciful and Wise

By Philip Duncanson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

If we think benevolence is only about giving people money to help solve their problems, then we’ll miss this. No, benevolence is about showing others the mercy and love we’ve been shown.