The Gospel

Book Review: United by Faith, by Curtiss Paul DeYoung, et al

Review by Russ Whitfield | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Though it leaves much to be desired in terms of theological depth, United By Faith is a very welcomed contribution and a worthy read, particularly for American Christians.

Building a Multi-Cultural Ministry on Gospel Doctrine

By John Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Robust truth will keep churches and friendships together amid their diversity, whereas lowest-common-denominator theology promotes strife and feebleness.

Does the Asian-American Church Need an Adjusted Gospel?

By Jeffrey K. Jue | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.25.2015

Many say, “The ‘white Western gospel’ needs to be adjusted, or it will become obsolete.” Can this possibly be true?

Why the Race Conversation Is So Hard

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Multi-Ethnic Churches | 09.24.2015

The race conversation is so hard, but shouldn’t our churches be the first places on the planet where we talk about these things, and listen to one another?

Book Review: The Juvenilization of American Christianity and From Here to Maturity, by Thomas E. Bergler

Review by Guy Prentiss Waters | 09.16.2015

Christianity—and, in particular, Christian churches—have been unduly influenced by the youth culture. Is there a cure for this problem?

Book Review: Guaranteed Pure, by Timothy Gloege

Review by Jonathan Baer | 09.04.2015

Timothy Gloege’s history of Moody Bible Institute (MBI) from the 1880s through the 1920s, Guaranteed Pure, makes a signal contribution to the challenge of delineating modern evangelicalism.

Should Christians “Disown” Gay Sons and Daughters?

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.18.2015

Christian parental love denies neither the child nor God’s law. It insists on loving both child and God’s law, which may be the hardest challenge of all.

Book Review: Contagious Disciple Making, by David and Paul Watson

Review by Ed Roberts | 07.16.2015

This book is primarily a recommendation of their experience as the way to engage in evangelism and discipleship that leads to new churches. Perhaps the authors could have suggested their experiences as one way, rather than as the only truly effective way.

Connecting Church and Culture with Russell Moore and Mark Dever

By M. Dever, R. D. Moore | 06.19.2015

Mark Dever and Russell Moore chat about the local church and culture at the 2015 Southern Baptist Convention.

A Gospel-Centered Sermon is a Gospel-Shining Sermon

By David King | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015

What exactly does “gospel-centered” mean in expositional preaching?

Compelling Community—A Conversation with Mark Dever & Jamie Dunlop

By J. Dunlop, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.21.2015

If God the Holy Spirit left your church this weekend, what would happen next?

Mailbag #8: Confidentiality among Elders; Meaningful Membership; Can an Elder Be Single?; and Young Earth Creationism

By Jonathan Leeman | 05.04.2015

—How should elders practice confidentiality? —Can an elder/pastor be single? —How do I make membership more meaningful at my church? —Should young earth creationism be a test of orthodoxy?

Book Review: Searching for Sunday, by Rachel Held Evans

Review by Ray Ortlund | 04.28.2015

I am not confident that, if I took this book to heart and swallowed its Christianity whole, I would be ready to stand before God on that great and final day.

Dear New Seminarian . . . Sincerely, Your Presbyterian Brother

By Guy Prentiss Waters | 04.21.2015

To get the most from seminary you should prepare by reading good books that will do two things for you—lay a good foundation for your studies in the classroom, and lay a good foundation for gospel ministry.

Mailbag #4: Gospel Culture, Elders and Porn

By Jonathan Leeman | 03.27.2015

—My church is growing in number but not in grace. What can I do about it? —I struggled with porn five years ago. Am I qualified to be an elder?