9Marks Leadership Interviews
Join Mark Dever as he interviews church leaders from around the world on topics that will challenge you to be a better leader.
9Marks Leadership Interviews
Life and Works with Jonathan Leeman
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 10.17.2023Mark Dever interviews Jonathan Leeman about his life and books.
Life and Works with Tom Schreiner
By M. Dever, T. R. Schreiner | 05.02.2023Life and Works with Tom Schreiner
Music for the Church: Mark Dever Interviews Keith Getty
By K. Getty, M. Dever | 07.18.2017Mark Dever recently sat down with hymn writer and musician Keith Getty to talk about music for the church. Listen to the interview below.
Discipling: A Conversation Between Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 07.27.2016“If you say you’re a Christian, but you’re not helping other Christians follow Jesus, I’m simply not sure what you mean.”
Church Discipline: A Difficult and Necessary Task
By J. Leeman, L. Duncan, M. Dever, M. McConnell | 04.25.2016Practicing church discipline is difficult. Perhaps this is why many churches seem to have neglected it.
Lessons for Fools: Mark Dever Asks Os Guinness about His New Evangelism Book
By M. Dever, O. Guinness | 03.08.2016Christians should be persuasive, and with his new book Fool’s Talk, Os Guinness offers a comprehensive presentation of the art and power of creative and distinctly Christian persuasion.
How should this desire to be persuasive affect our evangelism? Does God expect us to know the answers to every question? And how can we do this while remaining humble, recognizing that salvation is all of grace?
For our most recent 9Marks interview, Mark Dever sits down with Guinness to talk with him about these questions and more. We hope you’ll find it useful.
Getting into the Weeds of Church Membership and Baptism with Bobby Jamieson and Jonathan Leeman
By B. Jamieson, J. Leeman | 07.08.2015What is baptism? What does baptism mean? Is it simply an individual’s declaration that they now belong to Jesus? Is it a sign and seal of the new covenant, just as God intended circumcision to be a sign and seal of the old? And what does all of this have to do with church membership? Is church membership for everyone? Only baptized believers? Baptized believers and their children?
Compelling Community—A Conversation with Mark Dever & Jamie Dunlop
By J. Dunlop, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.21.2015If God the Holy Spirit left your church this weekend, what would happen next?
Life, Ministry, and Books with Tim Keller—Part 3: Books
By M. Dever, T. Keller | 02.25.2015In the last of a three-part interview,* Mark Dever interviews Tim Keller about his book-writing ministry, how he attempts to confront a secular audience with the gospel, and more.
Life, Ministry, and Books with Tim Keller—Part 2: Ministry
By M. Dever, T. Keller | 02.17.2015Mark Dever interviews Tim Keller about his pastoral legacy, what a typical Sunday morning looks like for him, his dichotomy-refuting “third way-ism,” and much more.
Life, Ministry, and Books with Tim Keller—Part 1: Life
By M. Dever, T. Keller | 02.09.2015Mark Dever interviews Tim Keller about his conversion, what led him to New York City, why the cultural gap between generations has exponentially grown in recent decades, and much more.
Church Membership in Theory and Practice with Ligon Duncan
By L. Duncan, M. Dever | 01.09.2015Should the everyday Christian care about something as old-fashioned and outmoded as church membership? Does its practice make sense in contexts without church discipline? Isn’t it just a “Baptist thing”? Mark Dever interviews Ligon Duncan about all this and more in the latest 9Marks Leadership interview: “Church Membership in Theory and Practice.”
Books and Discipleship: A Conversation across Five Continents
By K. Mbugua, M. Dever, M. McConnell, R. Denham | 12.03.2014Mark Dever interviews four men ministering across four continents: South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
On the Art & Practice of Preaching
By G. Kell, M. Dever | 11.03.2014Is expositional preaching the only kind of faithful preaching? Are personal illustrations useful or unacceptable? How can preachers encourage obedience without veering toward moralism? In this wide-ranging interview, Garrett Kell talks with Mark Dever on the art and practice of preaching.
Complementarianism & Cultural Engagement
By M. Dever, O. Strachan | 10.23.2014Mark Dever interviews CBMW President Owen Strachan on Chuck Colson, Carl F. H. Henry, and the state of the complementarian debate.